Profile/Burnout Paradise/Progression Profile: Difference between revisions

From Burnout Wiki
Content added Content deleted
(Comment about MugShotInfo array padding)
(Add PS4 license agreement fields. Don't seem to be used on PC for some reason.)
Line 802: Line 802:
| 0x660F0 || 0x4 || uint32_t || muRoadRulesIDHighBits || ||
| 0x660F0 || 0x4 || uint32_t || muRoadRulesIDHighBits || ||
| 0x660F4 || 0x2 || int16_t || miPad3 || || Unused in the final game
| 0x660F4 || 0x1 || bool || ? || License agreement 1 ||
| 0x660F5 || 0x1 || bool || ? || License agreement 2 ||
| 0x660F6 || 0x1 || int8_t || miPad4 || || Unused in the final game
| 0x660F6 || 0x1 || int8_t || miPad4 || || Unused in the final game

Revision as of 14:31, 12 April 2023


The Progression Profile stores license progression, vehicle unlocks, collectibles, Road Rule scores, and records, among other things.



PlayStation 3

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 int32_t miVersionNumber Version number of the Profile structure 28
0x4 0x20 char[32] macName Player-chosen profile name Unused in the final game
0x24 0xC Padding
0x30 0x10 Vector3 mCarPosition Spawn position of the player vehicle Unused in the final game
0x40 0x10 Vector3 mCarDirection Spawn direction of the player vehicle Unused in the final game
0x50 0x8 CgsID mSpawnCarId The vehicle the player spawns in Deprecated in V1.3
0x58 0x8 CgsID mSpawnWheelId The wheel the player vehicle spawns with Unused in the final game
0x60 0x4 uint32_t muTimeStampOfLastRoadRulesDownload
0x64 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDrivenOnline Distance driven online in cars (meters) Subject to distance limitations
0x68 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDrivenOffline Distance driven offline in cars (meters) Subject to distance limitations
0x6C 0x4 float32_t mfInCarTimePlayed Total time spent driving Subject to time limitations
0x70 0x1 int8_t mi8CurrentProgressionRank Current license of the player See ranks
0x71 0x1 int8_t mi8PowerParkingBestRating Power Parking record
0x72 0x1 int8_t mi8PowerParkingBetweenOtherPlayersBestRating Power Parking between players record Not displayed in the final game
0x73 0x1 Padding
0x74 0x4 uint32_t muBestNewBurnoutChainScore Burnout chain record
0x78 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmount Number of events present, per type See EGameModeType
0xBC 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountDiscovered Number of events discovered, per type See EGameModeType
0x100 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountCompleted Number of events completed for the current license, per type See EGameModeType
0x144 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountCompletedSinceTheStart Total number of events completed, per type See EGameModeType
0x188 0x4 int32_t miTotalTakedownCount Number of takedowns performed
0x18C 0x4 int32_t miTotalOnlineVerticleTakedownCount Number of vertical takedowns performed
0x190 0x34 int32_t[13] maiTakedownTypeCounts Number of takedowns performed, per type See ETakedownType
0x1C4 0x28 int32_t[10] maiWinsPerOfflineGameMode Number of events won, per type See EGameModeType
0x1EC 0x28 int32_t[10] maiRankWinsPerOfflineGameMode Number of events won causing a license upgrade, per type See EGameModeType
0x214 0x28 int32_t[10] maiLossesPerOfflineGameMode Number of events lost, per type
0x23C 0x4 int32_t miCompletedBarrelRolls Barrel roll record
0x240 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedAirSpinAngle Flat spin record
0x244 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedHandbreakTurnAngle Handbrake turn record Not displayed in the final game
0x248 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedDriftDistance Drift record
0x24C 0x4 float32_t mfOncomingDistance Oncoming record
0x250 0x4 float32_t mfAirMaximum Air time record
0x254 0x4 int32_t miHighestShowTimeScore Showtime record
0x258 0x4 int32_t miBestStuntRunScore Stunt run record Deprecated in game version 1.3
0x25C 0x4 int32_t miCarCount Number of vehicle entries
0x260 0x4 int32_t miLiveryDataCount Number of livery entries
0x264 0x4 int32_t miRivalCount Number of rival entries
0x268 0x4 int32_t miEventCount Number of event entries
0x26C 0x4 Padding
0x270 0x3000 CarData[512] maCars Vehicle unlocks, colors, and damage
0x3270 0x3000 LiveryData[512] maLiveryChoices Selected finishes and mileage
0x6270 0xE00 RivalData[64] maRivals Roaming rival/shutdown car info
0x7070 0x578 ProfileEvent[175] maEvents Event completion states
0x75E8 0x3018 Set<CgsID, 512u>[3] maStuntElements Collectible completion states See EStuntType
0xA600 0x4 uint32_t muMedalCountFromTheStart Total number of events won
0xA604 0x1 bool mbGoldCarsUnlocked Tracks whether gold finishes are unlocked
0xA605 0x1 bool mbSilverCarsUnlocked Tracks whether platinum finishes are unlocked
0xA606 0x2 Padding
0xA608 0x30 Set<CgsID, 5u> mJunkYardsDriveThruSet Discovered Junkyards
0xA638 0x60 Set<CgsID, 11u> mBodyShopsDriveThruSet Discovered Auto Repairs
0xA698 0x30 Set<CgsID, 5u> mPaintShopsDriveThruSet Discovered Paint Shops
0xA6C8 0x78 Set<CgsID, 14u> mGasStationsDriveThruSet Discovered Gas Stations
0xA740 0x60 Set<CgsID, 11u> mCarParksDriveThruSet Discovered Car Parks
0xA7A0 0x3E88 Array<CgsID, 2000u> maFreeBurnChallengeData Completed Freeburn and Timed Challenges
0xE628 0x9280 HitPropsBitArray mabHitPropBitArray Smashed billboards and individual gate sections 500 TRK units, 600 prop hit indicators (bits) each. Not all TRKs are used
0x178A8 0x1E int16_t[3][5] maaiStuntCountsByCounty Collectible progression, per-county See EStuntType and counties
0x178C6 0x2 Padding
0x178C8 0x1000 ChallengeHighScoreEntry[64] maNetworkChallengeData Online mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and player names
0x188C8 0xA00 ChallengePlayerScoreEntry[64] maChallengeData Player mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and vehicles
0x192C8 0x4 uint32_t muLastRoadRulesResetTime
0x192CC 0x1C NetworkTexture mPlayerLicencePicture License picture header
0x192E8 0x2580 char[9600] macPlayerLicenceTextureData License picture data
0x1B868 0x1 bool mbPlayerLicencePictureIsValid Tracks whether the license picture is present
0x1B869 0x7 Padding
0x1B870 0x20F8 Array<MugshotInfo, 30u>[5] maaMugshotInfo Information on saved mugshots
0x1D968 0x28 BitArray<30u>[5] maAvailableMugshotFileIDs Tracks what mugshot slots are used
0x1D990 0xC float32_t[3] mafCarTypes Unused in the final game
0x1D99C 0x4 ECarType meCurrentCarType Boost type of the current vehicle See ECarType
0x1D9A0 0x20 BitArray<256u> maHasPlayerSeenTraining Tracks the tips DJ Atomika has used
0x1D9C0 0x4 int32_t miNumOnlineRacesDone Number of online races completed
0x1D9C4 0x4 int32_t miNumOnlineRacesWon Number of online races won
0x1D9C8 0x4 int32_t miNumMugshotsSent Number of mugshots sent by the player
0x1D9CC 0x4 Padding
0x1D9D0 0x10 DateAndTime mDateLicenceIssued Date the player's license was created
0x1D9E0 0x10 DateAndTime mDate100PercentCompleted Date the player achieved 100% completion
0x1D9F0 0x4 int32_t miHighestNumberOfTakeDownsInRoadRage Road Rage record
0x1D9F4 0x4 Padding
0x1D9F8 0x8 BitArray<35u> mSeenTrophyAwardBitArray Tracks which of the primary 35 vehicles unlocks have been shown
0x1DA00 0x8 BitArray<60u> mAchievementsEarnt Tracks which Paradise Awards have been earned
0x1DA08 0x1 bool mb100PercentCompletionSequenceShown Tracks whether the 100% completion animation has been shown
0x1DA09 0x1 bool mbIsNewProfile Tracks whether the profile is new Intro will be shown if true
0x1DA0A 0x1 bool mbCreditsSequenceViewed Tracks whether the credits have been shown
0x1DA0B 0x1 bool mbOneHundredHudMessageViewed Tracks whether the 100% completion message has been shown
0x1DA0C 0x1 bool mbHasUnlockedCredits Tracks whether credits are available for viewing
0x1DA0D 0x1 bool mbHaveSet100PercentCompletedDate Tracks whether the 100% completion date is present
0x1DA0E 0x1 bool mbHaveSeenEliteCompletionSequence Tracks whether the Elite license animation has been shown
0x1DA0F 0x1 bool mbRedundantBool4 Unused in the final game
0x1DA10 0x1 int8_t miPad1 Unused in the final game
0x1DA11 0x1 Padding
0x1DA12 0x2 int16_t miPad2 Unused in the final game
0x1DA14 0x4 uint32_t muRoadRulesIDLowBits
0x1DA18 0x8 BitArray<6u> mSeenCompleteAllEventTypeArray Tracks which event types have had all events completed
0x1DA20 0x4 float32_t mfRealTimePlayed Total time played As opposed to mfInCarTimePlayed
0x1DA24 0x4 float32_t mfRedundantFloat4 Unused in the final game
0x1DA28 0x4 uint32_t muRoadRulesIDHighBits
0x1DA2C 0x2 int16_t miPad3 Unused in the final game
0x1DA2E 0x1 int8_t miPad4 Unused in the final game
0x1DA2F 0x1 Padding

Xbox 360

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 int32_t miVersionNumber Version number of the Profile structure 28
0x4 0x20 char[32] macName Player-chosen profile name Unused in the final game
0x24 0xC Padding
0x30 0x10 Vector3 mCarPosition Spawn position of the player vehicle Unused in the final game
0x40 0x10 Vector3 mCarDirection Spawn direction of the player vehicle Unused in the final game
0x50 0x8 CgsID mSpawnCarId The vehicle the player spawns in Deprecated in V1.3
0x58 0x8 CgsID mSpawnWheelId The wheel the player vehicle spawns with Unused in the final game
0x60 0x4 uint32_t muTimeStampOfLastRoadRulesDownload
0x64 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDrivenOnline Distance driven online in cars (meters) Subject to distance limitations
0x68 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDrivenOffline Distance driven offline in cars (meters) Subject to distance limitations
0x6C 0x4 float32_t mfInCarTimePlayed Total time spent driving Subject to time limitations
0x70 0x1 int8_t mi8CurrentProgressionRank Current license of the player See ranks
0x71 0x1 int8_t mi8PowerParkingBestRating Power Parking record
0x72 0x1 int8_t mi8PowerParkingBetweenOtherPlayersBestRating Power Parking between players record Not displayed in the final game
0x73 0x1 Padding
0x74 0x4 uint32_t muBestNewBurnoutChainScore Burnout chain record
0x78 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmount Number of events present, per type See EGameModeType
0xBC 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountDiscovered Number of events discovered, per type See EGameModeType
0x100 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountCompleted Number of events completed for the current license, per type See EGameModeType
0x144 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountCompletedSinceTheStart Total number of events completed, per type See EGameModeType
0x188 0x4 int32_t miTotalTakedownCount Number of takedowns performed
0x18C 0x4 int32_t miTotalOnlineVerticleTakedownCount Number of vertical takedowns performed
0x190 0x34 int32_t[13] maiTakedownTypeCounts Number of takedowns performed, per type See ETakedownType
0x1C4 0x28 int32_t[10] maiWinsPerOfflineGameMode Number of events won, per type See EGameModeType
0x1EC 0x28 int32_t[10] maiRankWinsPerOfflineGameMode Number of events won causing a license upgrade, per type See EGameModeType
0x214 0x28 int32_t[10] maiLossesPerOfflineGameMode Number of events lost, per type
0x23C 0x4 int32_t miCompletedBarrelRolls Barrel roll record
0x240 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedAirSpinAngle Flat spin record
0x244 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedHandbreakTurnAngle Handbrake turn record Not displayed in the final game
0x248 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedDriftDistance Drift record
0x24C 0x4 float32_t mfOncomingDistance Oncoming record
0x250 0x4 float32_t mfAirMaximum Air time record
0x254 0x4 int32_t miHighestShowTimeScore Showtime record
0x258 0x4 int32_t miBestStuntRunScore Stunt run record Deprecated in game version 1.3
0x25C 0x4 int32_t miCarCount Number of vehicle entries
0x260 0x4 int32_t miLiveryDataCount Number of livery entries
0x264 0x4 int32_t miRivalCount Number of rival entries
0x268 0x4 int32_t miEventCount Number of event entries
0x26C 0x4 Padding
0x270 0x3000 CarData[512] maCars Vehicle unlocks, colors, and damage
0x3270 0x3000 LiveryData[512] maLiveryChoices Selected finishes and mileage
0x6270 0xE00 RivalData[64] maRivals Roaming rival/shutdown car info
0x7070 0x578 ProfileEvent[175] maEvents Event completion states
0x75E8 0x3018 Set<CgsID, 512u>[3] maStuntElements Collectible completion states See EStuntType
0xA600 0x4 uint32_t muMedalCountFromTheStart Total number of events won
0xA604 0x1 bool mbGoldCarsUnlocked Tracks whether gold finishes are unlocked
0xA605 0x1 bool mbSilverCarsUnlocked Tracks whether platinum finishes are unlocked
0xA606 0x2 Padding
0xA608 0x30 Set<CgsID, 5u> mJunkYardsDriveThruSet Discovered Junkyards
0xA638 0x60 Set<CgsID, 11u> mBodyShopsDriveThruSet Discovered Auto Repairs
0xA698 0x30 Set<CgsID, 5u> mPaintShopsDriveThruSet Discovered Paint Shops
0xA6C8 0x78 Set<CgsID, 14u> mGasStationsDriveThruSet Discovered Gas Stations
0xA740 0x60 Set<CgsID, 11u> mCarParksDriveThruSet Discovered Car Parks
0xA7A0 0x3E88 Array<CgsID, 2000u> maFreeBurnChallengeData Completed Freeburn and Timed Challenges
0xE628 0x9280 HitPropsBitArray mabHitPropBitArray Smashed billboards and individual gate sections 500 TRK units, 600 prop hit indicators (bits) each. Not all TRKs are used
0x178A8 0x1E int16_t[3][5] maaiStuntCountsByCounty Collectible progression, per-county See EStuntType and counties
0x178C6 0x2 Padding
0x178C8 0xE00 ChallengeHighScoreEntry[64] maNetworkChallengeData Online mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and player names
0x186C8 0xA00 ChallengePlayerScoreEntry[64] maChallengeData Player mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and vehicles
0x190C8 0x4 uint32_t muLastRoadRulesResetTime
0x190CC 0x1C NetworkTexture mPlayerLicencePicture License picture header
0x190E8 0x2580 char[9600] macPlayerLicenceTextureData License picture data
0x1B668 0x1 bool mbPlayerLicencePictureIsValid Tracks whether the license picture is present
0x1B669 0x7 Padding
0x1B670 0x1608 Array<MugshotInfo, 20u>[5] maaMugshotInfo Information on saved mugshots
0x1CC78 0x28 BitArray<20u>[5] maAvailableMugshotFileIDs Tracks what mugshot slots are used
0x1CCA0 0xC float32_t[3] mafCarTypes Unused in the final game
0x1CCAC 0x4 ECarType meCurrentCarType Boost type of the current vehicle See ECarType
0x1CCB0 0x20 BitArray<256u> maHasPlayerSeenTraining Tracks the tips DJ Atomika has used
0x1CCD0 0x4 int32_t miNumOnlineRacesDone Number of online races completed
0x1CCD4 0x4 int32_t miNumOnlineRacesWon Number of online races won
0x1CCD8 0x4 int32_t miNumMugshotsSent Number of mugshots sent by the player
0x1CCDC 0x10 DateAndTime mDateLicenceIssued Date the player's license was created
0x1CCE8 0x10 DateAndTime mDate100PercentCompleted Date the player achieved 100% completion
0x1CCF4 0x4 int32_t miHighestNumberOfTakeDownsInRoadRage Road Rage record
0x1CCF8 0x8 BitArray<35u> mSeenTrophyAwardBitArray Tracks which of the primary 35 vehicles unlocks have been shown
0x1CD00 0x1 bool mb100PercentCompletionSequenceShown Tracks whether the 100% completion animation has been shown
0x1CD01 0x1 bool mbIsNewProfile Tracks whether the profile is new Intro will be shown if true
0x1CD02 0x1 bool mbCreditsSequenceViewed Tracks whether the credits have been shown
0x1CD03 0x1 bool mbOneHundredHudMessageViewed Tracks whether the 100% completion message has been shown
0x1CD04 0x1 bool mbHasUnlockedCredits Tracks whether credits are available for viewing
0x1CD05 0x1 bool mbHaveSet100PercentCompletedDate Tracks whether the 100% completion date is present
0x1CD06 0x1 bool mbHaveSeenEliteCompletionSequence Tracks whether the Elite license animation has been shown
0x1CD07 0x1 bool mbRedundantBool4 Unused in the final game
0x1CD08 0x1 int8_t miPad1 Unused in the final game
0x1CD09 0x1 Padding
0x1CD0A 0x2 int16_t miPad2 Unused in the final game
0x1CD0C 0x4 uint32_t muRoadRulesIDLowBits
0x1CD10 0x8 BitArray<6u> mSeenCompleteAllEventTypeArray Tracks which event types have had all events completed
0x1CD18 0x4 float32_t mfRealTimePlayed Total time played As opposed to mfInCarTimePlayed
0x1CD1C 0x4 float32_t mfRedundantFloat4 Unused in the final game
0x1CD20 0x4 uint32_t muRoadRulesIDHighBits
0x1CD24 0x2 int16_t miPad3 Unused in the final game
0x1CD26 0x1 int8_t miPad4 Unused in the final game
0x1CD27 0x9 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 int32_t miVersionNumber Version number of the Profile structure 30
0x4 0x20 char[32] macName Player-chosen profile name Unused in the final game
0x24 0xC Padding
0x30 0x10 Vector3 mCarPosition Spawn position of the player vehicle Unused in the final game
0x40 0x10 Vector3 mCarDirection Spawn direction of the player vehicle Unused in the final game
0x50 0x8 CgsID mSpawnCarId The vehicle the player spawns in Deprecated in V1.3
0x58 0x8 CgsID mSpawnWheelId The wheel the player vehicle spawns with Unused in the final game
0x60 0x4 uint32_t muTimeStampOfLastRoadRulesDownload
0x64 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDrivenOnline Distance driven online in cars (meters) Subject to distance limitations
0x68 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDrivenOffline Distance driven offline in cars (meters) Subject to distance limitations
0x6C 0x4 float32_t mfInCarTimePlayed Total time spent driving Subject to time limitations
0x70 0x1 int8_t mi8CurrentProgressionRank Current license of the player See ranks
0x71 0x1 int8_t mi8PowerParkingBestRating Power Parking record
0x72 0x1 int8_t mi8PowerParkingBetweenOtherPlayersBestRating Power Parking between players record Not displayed in the final game
0x73 0x1 Padding
0x74 0x4 uint32_t muBestNewBurnoutChainScore Burnout chain record
0x78 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmount Number of events present, per type See EGameModeType
0xBC 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountDiscovered Number of events discovered, per type See EGameModeType
0x100 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountCompleted Number of events completed for the current license, per type See EGameModeType
0x144 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountCompletedSinceTheStart Total number of events completed, per type See EGameModeType
0x188 0x4 int32_t miTotalTakedownCount Number of takedowns performed
0x18C 0x4 int32_t miTotalOnlineVerticleTakedownCount Number of vertical takedowns performed
0x190 0x34 int32_t[13] maiTakedownTypeCounts Number of takedowns performed, per type See ETakedownType
0x1C4 0x28 int32_t[10] maiWinsPerOfflineGameMode Number of events won, per type See EGameModeType
0x1EC 0x28 int32_t[10] maiRankWinsPerOfflineGameMode Number of events won causing a license upgrade, per type See EGameModeType
0x214 0x28 int32_t[10] maiLossesPerOfflineGameMode Number of events lost, per type
0x23C 0x4 int32_t miCompletedBarrelRolls Barrel roll record
0x240 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedAirSpinAngle Flat spin record
0x244 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedHandbreakTurnAngle Handbrake turn record Not displayed in the final game
0x248 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedDriftDistance Drift record
0x24C 0x4 float32_t mfOncomingDistance Oncoming record
0x250 0x4 float32_t mfAirMaximum Air time record
0x254 0x4 int32_t miHighestShowTimeScore Showtime record
0x258 0x4 int32_t miBestStuntRunScore Stunt run record Deprecated in game version 1.3
0x25C 0x4 int32_t miCarCount Number of vehicle entries
0x260 0x4 int32_t miLiveryDataCount Number of livery entries
0x264 0x4 int32_t miRivalCount Number of rival entries
0x268 0x4 int32_t miEventCount Number of event entries
0x26C 0x4 Padding
0x270 0x3000 CarData[512] maCars Vehicle unlocks, colors, and damage
0x3270 0x3000 LiveryData[512] maLiveryChoices Selected finishes and mileage
0x6270 0xE00 RivalData[64] maRivals Roaming rival/shutdown car info
0x7070 0x578 ProfileEvent[175] maEvents Event completion states
0x75E8 0x3018 Set<CgsID, 512u>[3] maStuntElements Collectible completion states See EStuntType
0xA600 0x4 uint32_t muMedalCountFromTheStart Total number of events won
0xA604 0x1 bool mbGoldCarsUnlocked Tracks whether gold finishes are unlocked
0xA605 0x1 bool mbSilverCarsUnlocked Tracks whether platinum finishes are unlocked
0xA606 0x2 Padding
0xA608 0x30 Set<CgsID, 5u> mJunkYardsDriveThruSet Discovered Junkyards
0xA638 0x60 Set<CgsID, 11u> mBodyShopsDriveThruSet Discovered Auto Repairs
0xA698 0x30 Set<CgsID, 5u> mPaintShopsDriveThruSet Discovered Paint Shops
0xA6C8 0x78 Set<CgsID, 14u> mGasStationsDriveThruSet Discovered Gas Stations
0xA740 0x60 Set<CgsID, 11u> mCarParksDriveThruSet Discovered Car Parks
0xA7A0 0x3E88 Array<CgsID, 2000u> maFreeBurnChallengeData Completed Freeburn and Timed Challenges
0xE628 0x9280 HitPropsBitArray mabHitPropBitArray Smashed billboards and individual gate sections 500 TRK units, 600 prop hit indicators (bits) each. Not all TRKs are used
0x178A8 0x1E int16_t[3][5] maaiStuntCountsByCounty Collectible progression, per-county See EStuntType and counties
0x178C6 0x2 Padding
0x178C8 0x1000 ChallengeHighScoreEntry[64] maNetworkChallengeData Online mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and player names
0x188C8 0xA00 ChallengePlayerScoreEntry[64] maChallengeData Player mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and vehicles
0x192C8 0x4 uint32_t muLastRoadRulesResetTime
0x192CC 0x1C NetworkTexture mPlayerLicencePicture License picture header
0x192E8 0x2580 char[9600] macPlayerLicenceTextureData License picture data
0x1B868 0x1 bool mbPlayerLicencePictureIsValid Tracks whether the license picture is present
0x1B869 0x3 Padding
0x1B86C 0x12D4 Array<MugshotInfo, 20u>[5] maaMugshotInfo Information on saved mugshots Not padded after length
0x1CB40 0x28 BitArray<20u>[5] maAvailableMugshotFileIDs Tracks what mugshot slots are used
0x1CB68 0xC float32_t[3] mafCarTypes Unused in the final game
0x1CB74 0x4 ECarType meCurrentCarType Boost type of the current vehicle See ECarType
0x1CB78 0x20 BitArray<256u> maHasPlayerSeenTraining Tracks the tips DJ Atomika has used
0x1CB98 0x4 int32_t miNumOnlineRacesDone Number of online races completed
0x1CB9C 0x4 int32_t miNumOnlineRacesWon Number of online races won
0x1CBA0 0x4 int32_t miNumMugshotsSent Number of mugshots sent by the player
0x1CBA4 0xC DateAndTime mDateLicenceIssued Date the player's license was created
0x1CBB0 0xC DateAndTime mDate100PercentCompleted Date the player achieved 100% completion
0x1CBBC 0x4 int32_t miHighestNumberOfTakeDownsInRoadRage Road Rage record
0x1CBC0 0x8 BitArray<35u> mSeenTrophyAwardBitArray Tracks which of the primary 35 vehicles unlocks have been shown
0x1CBC8 0x8 BitArray<60u> mAchievementsEarnt Tracks which Paradise Awards have been earned
0x1CBD0 0x1 bool mb100PercentCompletionSequenceShown Tracks whether the 100% completion animation has been shown
0x1CBD1 0x1 bool mbIsNewProfile Tracks whether the profile is new Intro will be shown if true
0x1CBD2 0x1 bool mbCreditsSequenceViewed Tracks whether the credits have been shown
0x1CBD3 0x1 bool mbOneHundredHudMessageViewed Tracks whether the 100% completion message has been shown
0x1CBD4 0x1 bool mbHasUnlockedCredits Tracks whether credits are available for viewing
0x1CBD5 0x1 bool mbHaveSet100PercentCompletedDate Tracks whether the 100% completion date is present
0x1CBD6 0x1 bool mbHaveSeenEliteCompletionSequence Tracks whether the Elite license animation has been shown
0x1CBD7 0x1 bool mbRedundantBool4 Unused in the final game
0x1CBD8 0x1 int8_t miPad1 Unused in the final game
0x1CBD9 0x1 Padding
0x1CBDA 0x2 int16_t miPad2 Unused in the final game
0x1CBDC 0x4 Padding
0x1CBE0 0x4 uint32_t muRoadRulesIDLowBits
0x1CBE4 0x4 Padding
0x1CBE8 0x8 BitArray<6u> mSeenCompleteAllEventTypeArray Tracks which event types have had all events completed
0x1CBF0 0x4 float32_t mfRealTimePlayed Total time played As opposed to mfInCarTimePlayed
0x1CBF4 0x4 float32_t mfRedundantFloat4 Unused in the final game
0x1CBF8 0x4 uint32_t muRoadRulesIDHighBits
0x1CBFC 0x2 int16_t miPad3 Unused in the final game
0x1CBFE 0x1 int8_t miPad4 Unused in the final game
0x1CBFF 0x1 Padding

PlayStation 4

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 int32_t miVersionNumber Version number of the Profile structure 31
0x4 0x20 char[32] macName Player-chosen profile name Unused in the final game
0x24 0xC Padding
0x30 0x10 Vector3 mCarPosition Spawn position of the player vehicle Unused in the final game
0x40 0x10 Vector3 mCarDirection Spawn direction of the player vehicle Unused in the final game
0x50 0x8 CgsID mSpawnCarId The vehicle the player spawns in Deprecated in V1.3
0x58 0x8 CgsID mSpawnWheelId The wheel the player vehicle spawns with Unused in the final game
0x60 0x4 uint32_t muTimeStampOfLastRoadRulesDownload
0x64 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDrivenOnline Distance driven online in cars (meters) Subject to distance limitations
0x68 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDrivenOffline Distance driven offline in cars (meters) Subject to distance limitations
0x6C 0x4 float32_t mfInCarTimePlayed Total time spent driving Subject to time limitations
0x70 0x1 int8_t mi8CurrentProgressionRank Current license of the player See ranks
0x71 0x1 int8_t mi8PowerParkingBestRating Power Parking record
0x72 0x1 int8_t mi8PowerParkingBetweenOtherPlayersBestRating Power Parking between players record Not displayed in the final game
0x73 0x1 Padding
0x74 0x4 uint32_t muBestNewBurnoutChainScore Burnout chain record
0x78 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmount Number of events present, per type See EGameModeType
0xBC 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountDiscovered Number of events discovered, per type See EGameModeType
0x100 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountCompleted Number of events completed for the current license, per type See EGameModeType
0x144 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountCompletedSinceTheStart Total number of events completed, per type See EGameModeType
0x188 0x4 int32_t miTotalTakedownCount Number of takedowns performed
0x18C 0x4 int32_t miTotalOnlineVerticleTakedownCount Number of vertical takedowns performed
0x190 0x34 int32_t[13] maiTakedownTypeCounts Number of takedowns performed, per type See ETakedownType
0x1C4 0x28 int32_t[10] maiWinsPerOfflineGameMode Number of events won, per type See EGameModeType
0x1EC 0x28 int32_t[10] maiRankWinsPerOfflineGameMode Number of events won causing a license upgrade, per type See EGameModeType
0x214 0x28 int32_t[10] maiLossesPerOfflineGameMode Number of events lost, per type
0x23C 0x4 int32_t miCompletedBarrelRolls Barrel roll record
0x240 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedAirSpinAngle Flat spin record
0x244 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedHandbreakTurnAngle Handbrake turn record Not displayed in the final game
0x248 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedDriftDistance Drift record
0x24C 0x4 float32_t mfOncomingDistance Oncoming record
0x250 0x4 float32_t mfAirMaximum Air time record
0x254 0x4 int32_t miHighestShowTimeScore Showtime record
0x258 0x4 int32_t miBestStuntRunScore Stunt run record Deprecated in game version 1.3
0x25C 0x4 int32_t miCarCount Number of vehicle entries
0x260 0x4 int32_t miLiveryDataCount Number of livery entries
0x264 0x4 int32_t miRivalCount Number of rival entries
0x268 0x4 int32_t miEventCount Number of event entries
0x26C 0x4 Padding
0x270 0x3000 CarData[512] maCars Vehicle unlocks, colors, and damage
0x3270 0x3000 LiveryData[512] maLiveryChoices Selected finishes and mileage
0x6270 0xE00 RivalData[64] maRivals Roaming rival/shutdown car info
0x7070 0x578 ProfileEvent[175] maEvents Event completion states
0x75E8 0x3018 Set<CgsID, 512u>[3] maStuntElements Collectible completion states See EStuntType
0xA600 0x4 uint32_t muMedalCountFromTheStart Total number of events won
0xA604 0x1 bool mbGoldCarsUnlocked Tracks whether gold finishes are unlocked
0xA605 0x1 bool mbSilverCarsUnlocked Tracks whether platinum finishes are unlocked
0xA606 0x2 Padding
0xA608 0x30 Set<CgsID, 5u> mJunkYardsDriveThruSet Discovered Junkyards
0xA638 0x60 Set<CgsID, 11u> mBodyShopsDriveThruSet Discovered Auto Repairs
0xA698 0x30 Set<CgsID, 5u> mPaintShopsDriveThruSet Discovered Paint Shops
0xA6C8 0x78 Set<CgsID, 14u> mGasStationsDriveThruSet Discovered Gas Stations
0xA740 0x60 Set<CgsID, 11u> mCarParksDriveThruSet Discovered Car Parks
0xA7A0 0x3E88 Array<CgsID, 2000u> maFreeBurnChallengeData Completed Freeburn and Timed Challenges
0xE628 0x9280 HitPropsBitArray mabHitPropBitArray Smashed billboards and individual gate sections 500 TRK units, 600 prop hit indicators (bits) each. Not all TRKs are used
0x178A8 0x1E int16_t[3][5] maaiStuntCountsByCounty Collectible progression, per-county See EStuntType and counties
0x178C6 0x2 Padding
0x178C8 0x1400 ChallengeHighScoreEntry[64] maNetworkChallengeData Online mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and player names
0x18CC8 0xA00 ChallengePlayerScoreEntry[64] maChallengeData Player mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and vehicles
0x196C8 0x4 uint32_t muLastRoadRulesResetTime
0x196CC 0x4 Padding
0x196D0 0x28 NetworkTexture mPlayerLicencePicture License picture header
0x192F8 0x4B000 char[38400][8] macPlayerLicenceTextureData License picture data Only first is used
0x646F8 0x1 bool mbPlayerLicencePictureIsValid Tracks whether the license picture is present
0x646F9 0x7 Padding
0x64700 0x1928 Array<MugshotInfo, 20u>[5] maaMugshotInfo Information on saved mugshots
0x66028 0x28 BitArray<20u>[5] maAvailableMugshotFileIDs Tracks what mugshot slots are used
0x66050 0xC float32_t[3] mafCarTypes Unused in the final game
0x6605C 0x4 ECarType meCurrentCarType Boost type of the current vehicle See ECarType
0x66060 0x20 BitArray<256u> maHasPlayerSeenTraining Tracks the tips DJ Atomika has used
0x66080 0x4 int32_t miNumOnlineRacesDone Number of online races completed
0x66084 0x4 int32_t miNumOnlineRacesWon Number of online races won
0x66088 0x4 int32_t miNumMugshotsSent Number of mugshots sent by the player
0x6608C 0x4 Padding
0x66090 0x10 DateAndTime mDateLicenceIssued Date the player's license was created
0x660A0 0x10 DateAndTime mDate100PercentCompleted Date the player achieved 100% completion
0x660B0 0x4 int32_t miHighestNumberOfTakeDownsInRoadRage Road Rage record
0x660B4 0x4 Padding
0x660B8 0x8 BitArray<35u> mSeenTrophyAwardBitArray Tracks which of the primary 35 vehicles unlocks have been shown
0x660C0 0x8 BitArray<60u> mAchievementsEarnt Tracks which Paradise Awards have been earned
0x660C8 0x1 bool mb100PercentCompletionSequenceShown Tracks whether the 100% completion animation has been shown
0x660C9 0x1 bool mbIsNewProfile Tracks whether the profile is new Intro will be shown if true
0x660CA 0x1 bool mbCreditsSequenceViewed Tracks whether the credits have been shown
0x660CB 0x1 bool mbOneHundredHudMessageViewed Tracks whether the 100% completion message has been shown
0x660CC 0x1 bool mbHasUnlockedCredits Tracks whether credits are available for viewing
0x660CD 0x1 bool mbHaveSet100PercentCompletedDate Tracks whether the 100% completion date is present
0x660CE 0x1 bool mbHaveSeenEliteCompletionSequence Tracks whether the Elite license animation has been shown
0x660CF 0x1 bool mbRedundantBool4 Unused in the final game
0x660D0 0x1 int8_t miPad1 Unused in the final game
0x660D1 0x1 Padding
0x660D2 0x2 int16_t miPad2 Unused in the final game
0x660D4 0x4 Padding
0x660D8 0x4 uint32_t muRoadRulesIDLowBits
0x660DC 0x4 Padding
0x660E0 0x8 BitArray<6u> mSeenCompleteAllEventTypeArray Tracks which event types have had all events completed
0x660E8 0x4 float32_t mfRealTimePlayed Total time played As opposed to mfInCarTimePlayed
0x660EC 0x4 float32_t mfRedundantFloat4 Unused in the final game
0x660F0 0x4 uint32_t muRoadRulesIDHighBits
0x660F4 0x1 bool ? License agreement 1
0x660F5 0x1 bool ? License agreement 2
0x660F6 0x1 int8_t miPad4 Unused in the final game
0x660F7 0x9 Padding

PC (Remastered)

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 int32_t miVersionNumber Version number of the Profile structure 31
0x4 0x20 char[32] macName Player-chosen profile name Unused in the final game
0x24 0xC Padding
0x30 0x10 Vector3 mCarPosition Spawn position of the player vehicle Unused in the final game
0x40 0x10 Vector3 mCarDirection Spawn direction of the player vehicle Unused in the final game
0x50 0x8 CgsID mSpawnCarId The vehicle the player spawns in Deprecated in V1.3
0x58 0x8 CgsID mSpawnWheelId The wheel the player vehicle spawns with Unused in the final game
0x60 0x4 uint32_t muTimeStampOfLastRoadRulesDownload
0x64 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDrivenOnline Distance driven online in cars (meters) Subject to distance limitations
0x68 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDrivenOffline Distance driven offline in cars (meters) Subject to distance limitations
0x6C 0x4 float32_t mfInCarTimePlayed Total time spent driving Subject to time limitations
0x70 0x1 int8_t mi8CurrentProgressionRank Current license of the player See ranks
0x71 0x1 int8_t mi8PowerParkingBestRating Power Parking record
0x72 0x1 int8_t mi8PowerParkingBetweenOtherPlayersBestRating Power Parking between players record Not displayed in the final game
0x73 0x1 Padding
0x74 0x4 uint32_t muBestNewBurnoutChainScore Burnout chain record
0x78 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmount Number of events present, per type See EGameModeType
0xBC 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountDiscovered Number of events discovered, per type See EGameModeType
0x100 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountCompleted Number of events completed for the current license, per type See EGameModeType
0x144 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountCompletedSinceTheStart Total number of events completed, per type See EGameModeType
0x188 0x4 int32_t miTotalTakedownCount Number of takedowns performed
0x18C 0x4 int32_t miTotalOnlineVerticleTakedownCount Number of vertical takedowns performed
0x190 0x34 int32_t[13] maiTakedownTypeCounts Number of takedowns performed, per type See ETakedownType
0x1C4 0x28 int32_t[10] maiWinsPerOfflineGameMode Number of events won, per type See EGameModeType
0x1EC 0x28 int32_t[10] maiRankWinsPerOfflineGameMode Number of events won causing a license upgrade, per type See EGameModeType
0x214 0x28 int32_t[10] maiLossesPerOfflineGameMode Number of events lost, per type
0x23C 0x4 int32_t miCompletedBarrelRolls Barrel roll record
0x240 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedAirSpinAngle Flat spin record
0x244 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedHandbreakTurnAngle Handbrake turn record Not displayed in the final game
0x248 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedDriftDistance Drift record
0x24C 0x4 float32_t mfOncomingDistance Oncoming record
0x250 0x4 float32_t mfAirMaximum Air time record
0x254 0x4 int32_t miHighestShowTimeScore Showtime record
0x258 0x4 int32_t miBestStuntRunScore Stunt run record Deprecated in game version 1.3
0x25C 0x4 int32_t miCarCount Number of vehicle entries
0x260 0x4 int32_t miLiveryDataCount Number of livery entries
0x264 0x4 int32_t miRivalCount Number of rival entries
0x268 0x4 int32_t miEventCount Number of event entries
0x26C 0x4 Padding
0x270 0x3000 CarData[512] maCars Vehicle unlocks, colors, and damage
0x3270 0x3000 LiveryData[512] maLiveryChoices Selected finishes and mileage
0x6270 0xE00 RivalData[64] maRivals Roaming rival/shutdown car info
0x7070 0x578 ProfileEvent[175] maEvents Event completion states
0x75E8 0x3018 Set<CgsID, 512u>[3] maStuntElements Collectible completion states See EStuntType
0xA600 0x4 uint32_t muMedalCountFromTheStart Total number of events won
0xA604 0x1 bool mbGoldCarsUnlocked Tracks whether gold finishes are unlocked
0xA605 0x1 bool mbSilverCarsUnlocked Tracks whether platinum finishes are unlocked
0xA606 0x2 Padding
0xA608 0x30 Set<CgsID, 5u> mJunkYardsDriveThruSet Discovered Junkyards
0xA638 0x60 Set<CgsID, 11u> mBodyShopsDriveThruSet Discovered Auto Repairs
0xA698 0x30 Set<CgsID, 5u> mPaintShopsDriveThruSet Discovered Paint Shops
0xA6C8 0x78 Set<CgsID, 14u> mGasStationsDriveThruSet Discovered Gas Stations
0xA740 0x60 Set<CgsID, 11u> mCarParksDriveThruSet Discovered Car Parks
0xA7A0 0x3E88 Array<CgsID, 2000u> maFreeBurnChallengeData Completed Freeburn and Timed Challenges
0xE628 0x9280 HitPropsBitArray mabHitPropBitArray Smashed billboards and individual gate sections 500 TRK units, 600 prop hit indicators (bits) each. Not all TRKs are used
0x178A8 0x1E int16_t[3][5] maaiStuntCountsByCounty Collectible progression, per-county See EStuntType and counties
0x178C6 0x2 Padding
0x178C8 0x1400 ChallengeHighScoreEntry[64] maNetworkChallengeData Online mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and player names
0x18CC8 0xA00 ChallengePlayerScoreEntry[64] maChallengeData Player mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and vehicles
0x196C8 0x4 uint32_t muLastRoadRulesResetTime
0x196CC 0x1C NetworkTexture mPlayerLicencePicture License picture header
0x196E8 0x4B000 char[38400][8] macPlayerLicenceTextureData License picture data Only first is used
0x646E8 0x1 bool mbPlayerLicencePictureIsValid Tracks whether the license picture is present
0x646E9 0x3 Padding
0x646EC 0x15F4 Array<MugshotInfo, 20u>[5] maaMugshotInfo Information on saved mugshots Not padded after length
0x65CE0 0x28 BitArray<20u>[5] maAvailableMugshotFileIDs Tracks what mugshot slots are used
0x65D08 0xC float32_t[3] mafCarTypes Unused in the final game
0x65D14 0x4 ECarType meCurrentCarType Boost type of the current vehicle See ECarType
0x65D18 0x20 BitArray<256u> maHasPlayerSeenTraining Tracks the tips DJ Atomika has used
0x65D38 0x4 int32_t miNumOnlineRacesDone Number of online races completed
0x65D3C 0x4 int32_t miNumOnlineRacesWon Number of online races won
0x65D40 0x4 int32_t miNumMugshotsSent Number of mugshots sent by the player
0x65D44 0xC DateAndTime mDateLicenceIssued Date the player's license was created
0x65D50 0xC DateAndTime mDate100PercentCompleted Date the player achieved 100% completion
0x65D5C 0x4 int32_t miHighestNumberOfTakeDownsInRoadRage Road Rage record
0x65D60 0x8 BitArray<35u> mSeenTrophyAwardBitArray Tracks which of the primary 35 vehicles unlocks have been shown
0x65D68 0x8 BitArray<60u> mAchievementsEarnt Tracks which Paradise Awards have been earned
0x65D70 0x1 bool mb100PercentCompletionSequenceShown Tracks whether the 100% completion animation has been shown
0x65D71 0x1 bool mbIsNewProfile Tracks whether the profile is new Intro will be shown if true
0x65D72 0x1 bool mbCreditsSequenceViewed Tracks whether the credits have been shown
0x65D73 0x1 bool mbOneHundredHudMessageViewed Tracks whether the 100% completion message has been shown
0x65D74 0x1 bool mbHasUnlockedCredits Tracks whether credits are available for viewing
0x65D75 0x1 bool mbHaveSet100PercentCompletedDate Tracks whether the 100% completion date is present
0x65D76 0x1 bool mbHaveSeenEliteCompletionSequence Tracks whether the Elite license animation has been shown
0x65D77 0x1 bool mbRedundantBool4 Unused in the final game
0x65D78 0x1 int8_t miPad1 Unused in the final game
0x65D79 0x1 Padding
0x65D7A 0x2 int16_t miPad2 Unused in the final game
0x65D7C 0x4 Padding
0x65D80 0x4 uint32_t muRoadRulesIDLowBits
0x65D84 0x4 Padding
0x65D88 0x8 BitArray<6u> mSeenCompleteAllEventTypeArray Tracks which event types have had all events completed
0x65D90 0x4 float32_t mfRealTimePlayed Total time played As opposed to mfInCarTimePlayed
0x65D94 0x4 float32_t mfRedundantFloat4 Unused in the final game
0x65D98 0x4 uint32_t muRoadRulesIDHighBits
0x65D9C 0x2 int16_t miPad3 Unused in the final game
0x65D9E 0x1 int8_t miPad4 Unused in the final game
0x65D9F 0x1 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 int32_t miVersionNumber Version number of the Profile structure 31
0x4 0x20 char[32] macName Player-chosen profile name Unused in the final game
0x24 0xC Padding
0x30 0x10 Vector3 mCarPosition Spawn position of the player vehicle Unused in the final game
0x40 0x10 Vector3 mCarDirection Spawn direction of the player vehicle Unused in the final game
0x50 0x8 CgsID mSpawnCarId The vehicle the player spawns in Deprecated in V1.3
0x58 0x8 CgsID mSpawnWheelId The wheel the player vehicle spawns with Unused in the final game
0x60 0x4 uint32_t muTimeStampOfLastRoadRulesDownload
0x64 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDrivenOnline Distance driven online in cars (meters) Subject to distance limitations
0x68 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDrivenOffline Distance driven offline in cars (meters) Subject to distance limitations
0x6C 0x4 float32_t mfInCarTimePlayed Total time spent driving Subject to time limitations
0x70 0x1 int8_t mi8CurrentProgressionRank Current license of the player See ranks
0x71 0x1 int8_t mi8PowerParkingBestRating Power Parking record
0x72 0x1 int8_t mi8PowerParkingBetweenOtherPlayersBestRating Power Parking between players record Not displayed in the final game
0x73 0x1 Padding
0x74 0x4 uint32_t muBestNewBurnoutChainScore Burnout chain record
0x78 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmount Number of events present, per type See EGameModeType
0xBC 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountDiscovered Number of events discovered, per type See EGameModeType
0x100 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountCompleted Number of events completed for the current license, per type See EGameModeType
0x144 0x44 int32_t[17] maGameModeTypeAmountCompletedSinceTheStart Total number of events completed, per type See EGameModeType
0x188 0x4 int32_t miTotalTakedownCount Number of takedowns performed
0x18C 0x4 int32_t miTotalOnlineVerticleTakedownCount Number of vertical takedowns performed
0x190 0x34 int32_t[13] maiTakedownTypeCounts Number of takedowns performed, per type See ETakedownType
0x1C4 0x28 int32_t[10] maiWinsPerOfflineGameMode Number of events won, per type See EGameModeType
0x1EC 0x28 int32_t[10] maiRankWinsPerOfflineGameMode Number of events won causing a license upgrade, per type See EGameModeType
0x214 0x28 int32_t[10] maiLossesPerOfflineGameMode Number of events lost, per type
0x23C 0x4 int32_t miCompletedBarrelRolls Barrel roll record
0x240 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedAirSpinAngle Flat spin record
0x244 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedHandbreakTurnAngle Handbrake turn record Not displayed in the final game
0x248 0x4 float32_t mfCompletedDriftDistance Drift record
0x24C 0x4 float32_t mfOncomingDistance Oncoming record
0x250 0x4 float32_t mfAirMaximum Air time record
0x254 0x4 int32_t miHighestShowTimeScore Showtime record
0x258 0x4 int32_t miBestStuntRunScore Stunt run record Deprecated in game version 1.3
0x25C 0x4 int32_t miCarCount Number of vehicle entries
0x260 0x4 int32_t miLiveryDataCount Number of livery entries
0x264 0x4 int32_t miRivalCount Number of rival entries
0x268 0x4 int32_t miEventCount Number of event entries
0x26C 0x4 Padding
0x270 0x3000 CarData[512] maCars Vehicle unlocks, colors, and damage
0x3270 0x3000 LiveryData[512] maLiveryChoices Selected finishes and mileage
0x6270 0xE00 RivalData[64] maRivals Roaming rival/shutdown car info
0x7070 0x578 ProfileEvent[175] maEvents Event completion states
0x75E8 0x3018 Set<CgsID, 512u>[3] maStuntElements Collectible completion states See EStuntType
0xA600 0x4 uint32_t muMedalCountFromTheStart Total number of events won
0xA604 0x1 bool mbGoldCarsUnlocked Tracks whether gold finishes are unlocked
0xA605 0x1 bool mbSilverCarsUnlocked Tracks whether platinum finishes are unlocked
0xA606 0x2 Padding
0xA608 0x30 Set<CgsID, 5u> mJunkYardsDriveThruSet Discovered Junkyards
0xA638 0x60 Set<CgsID, 11u> mBodyShopsDriveThruSet Discovered Auto Repairs
0xA698 0x30 Set<CgsID, 5u> mPaintShopsDriveThruSet Discovered Paint Shops
0xA6C8 0x78 Set<CgsID, 14u> mGasStationsDriveThruSet Discovered Gas Stations
0xA740 0x60 Set<CgsID, 11u> mCarParksDriveThruSet Discovered Car Parks
0xA7A0 0x3E88 Array<CgsID, 2000u> maFreeBurnChallengeData Completed Freeburn and Timed Challenges
0xE628 0x9280 HitPropsBitArray mabHitPropBitArray Smashed billboards and individual gate sections 500 TRK units, 600 prop hit indicators (bits) each. Not all TRKs are used
0x178A8 0x1E int16_t[3][5] maaiStuntCountsByCounty Collectible progression, per-county See EStuntType and counties
0x178C6 0x2 Padding
0x178C8 0x1800 ChallengeHighScoreEntry[64] maNetworkChallengeData Online mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and player names
0x190C8 0xA00 ChallengePlayerScoreEntry[64] maChallengeData Player mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and vehicles
0x192C8 0x4 uint32_t muLastRoadRulesResetTime
0x19AC8 0x4 Padding
0x19AD0 0x28 NetworkTexture mPlayerLicencePicture License picture header
0x19AF8 0x4B000 char[38400][8] macPlayerLicenceTextureData License picture data Only first is used
0x64AF8 0x1 bool mbPlayerLicencePictureIsValid Tracks whether the license picture is present
0x64AF9 0x7 Padding
0x64B00 0x1C48 Array<MugshotInfo, 20u>[5] maaMugshotInfo Information on saved mugshots
0x66748 0x28 BitArray<20u>[5] maAvailableMugshotFileIDs Tracks what mugshot slots are used
0x66770 0xC float32_t[3] mafCarTypes Unused in the final game
0x6677C 0x4 ECarType meCurrentCarType Boost type of the current vehicle See ECarType
0x66780 0x20 BitArray<256u> maHasPlayerSeenTraining Tracks the tips DJ Atomika has used
0x667A0 0x4 int32_t miNumOnlineRacesDone Number of online races completed
0x667A4 0x4 int32_t miNumOnlineRacesWon Number of online races won
0x667A8 0x4 int32_t miNumMugshotsSent Number of mugshots sent by the player
0x667AC 0x4 Padding
0x667B0 0x10 DateAndTime mDateLicenceIssued Date the player's license was created
0x667C0 0x10 DateAndTime mDate100PercentCompleted Date the player achieved 100% completion
0x667D0 0x4 int32_t miHighestNumberOfTakeDownsInRoadRage Road Rage record
0x667D4 0x4 Padding
0x667D8 0x8 BitArray<35u> mSeenTrophyAwardBitArray Tracks which of the primary 35 vehicles unlocks have been shown
0x667E0 0x8 BitArray<60u> mAchievementsEarnt Tracks which Paradise Awards have been earned
0x667E8 0x1 bool mb100PercentCompletionSequenceShown Tracks whether the 100% completion animation has been shown
0x667E9 0x1 bool mbIsNewProfile Tracks whether the profile is new Intro will be shown if true
0x667EA 0x1 bool mbCreditsSequenceViewed Tracks whether the credits have been shown
0x667EB 0x1 bool mbOneHundredHudMessageViewed Tracks whether the 100% completion message has been shown
0x667EC 0x1 bool mbHasUnlockedCredits Tracks whether credits are available for viewing
0x667ED 0x1 bool mbHaveSet100PercentCompletedDate Tracks whether the 100% completion date is present
0x667EE 0x1 bool mbHaveSeenEliteCompletionSequence Tracks whether the Elite license animation has been shown
0x667EF 0x1 bool mbRedundantBool4 Unused in the final game
0x667F0 0x1 int8_t miPad1 Unused in the final game
0x667F1 0x1 Padding
0x667F2 0x2 int16_t miPad2 Unused in the final game
0x667F4 0x4 Padding
0x667F8 0x4 uint32_t muRoadRulesIDLowBits
0x667FC 0x4 Padding
0x66800 0x8 BitArray<6u> mSeenCompleteAllEventTypeArray Tracks which event types have had all events completed
0x66808 0x4 float32_t mfRealTimePlayed Total time played As opposed to mfInCarTimePlayed
0x6680C 0x4 float32_t mfRedundantFloat4 Unused in the final game
0x66810 0x4 uint32_t muRoadRulesIDHighBits
0x66814 0x2 int16_t miPad3 Unused in the final game
0x66816 0x1 int8_t miPad4 Unused in the final game
0x66817 0x9 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 CgsID mId Vehicle ID
0x8 0x1 uint8_t mu8ColourIndex Color index From the Player Car Colours resource
0x9 0x1 uint8_t mu8PaletteIndex Color palette/type index From the Player Car Colours resource
0xA 0x1 bool mbUnlockSequenceAlreadyShown Has Junkyard unlock animation been played
0xB 0x1 uint8_t ? Version flags from the Vehicle List resource Padding prior to game version 1.3
0xC 0x4 float32_t mfUnlockDeformedAmount Damage applied to the car
0x10 0x4 UnlockType meUnlockType Vehicle unlock type
0x14 0x4 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 CgsID mBaseCarId
0x8 0x8 CgsID mChosenLiveryCarId
0x10 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDriven
0x14 0x1 uint8_t ? Version flags from the Vehicle List resource Padding prior to version 1.3
0x15 0x3 ? ? Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 CgsID mRivalId GameDB ID
0x8 0x8 CgsID mCarId
0x10 0x4 EState meState
0x14 0x4 int32_t miEventCount
0x18 0x4 int32_t miTakedownFromCount
0x1C 0x4 int32_t miVerticalTakedownFromCount
0x20 0x4 int32_t miTakedownToCount
0x24 0x4 int32_t miVerticalTakedownToCount
0x28 0x4 int32_t miTakedownToInEventCount
0x2C 0x4 int32_t miTakedownToInLastEventCount
0x30 0x4 int32_t miEventMissingCount
0x34 0x1 bool mbHasBeenHit
0x35 0x3 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 uint32_t muEventID Event junction ID
0x4 0x2 uint16_t muFlags Event flags See Flags
0x6 0x2 Padding


PlayStation 3, PC

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x18 ChallengeData super_ChallengeData
0x18 0x28 PlayerName[2] maPlayerNames See ScoreType for index names

Xbox 360

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x18 ChallengeData super_ChallengeData
0x18 0x20 PlayerName[2] maPlayerNames See ScoreType for index names

PlayStation 4, PC (Remastered)

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x18 ChallengeData super_ChallengeData
0x18 0x32 PlayerName[2] maPlayerNames See ScoreType for index names
0x4A 0x6 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x18 ChallengeData super_ChallengeData
0x18 0x42 PlayerName[2] maPlayerNames See ScoreType for index names
0x5A 0x6 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 BitArray<2u> mDirty See ScoreType for index names
0x8 0x8 BitArray<2u> mValidScores See ScoreType for index names
0x10 0x8 ScoreList mScoreList


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 int32_t[2] maScores Time and showtime score, respectively See ScoreType for index names


PlayStation 3, PC

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x14 char[20] macName Online player's name

Xbox 360

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x10 char[16] macName Online player's name

PlayStation 4, PC (Remastered)

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x19 char[25] macName Online player's name


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x21 char[33] macName Online player's name


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x18 ChallengeData super_ChallengeData
0x18 0x10 CgsID[2] maCarIDs See ScoreType for index names


PlayStation 3

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 HeapMalloc* mpHeapMalloc
0x4 0x4 int32_t miBitsPerPixel
0x8 0x4 int32_t miWidth
0xC 0x4 int32_t miHeight
0x10 0x4 PixelFormat mFormat
0x14 0x4 char* mpcTexture
0x18 0x1 bool mbTextureAllocatedFromHeap
0x19 0x1 bool mbIsUncompressedYUV
0x1A 0x2 Padding

Xbox 360

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 HeapMalloc* mpHeapMalloc
0x4 0x4 int32_t miBitsPerPixel
0x8 0x4 int32_t miWidth
0xC 0x4 int32_t miHeight
0x10 0x4 Parameters mFormat
0x14 0x4 char* mpcTexture
0x18 0x1 bool mbTextureAllocatedFromHeap
0x19 0x1 bool mbIsUncompressedYUV
0x1A 0x2 Padding


Parameters for the MAKED3DFMT2 macro. Xbox 360 only.

Offset (bits) Length (bits) Name Description Comments
0 3 SwizzleW See GPUSWIZZLE on the Xbox 360 texture page.
0 3 SwizzleZ See GPUSWIZZLE on the Xbox 360 texture page.
0 3 SwizzleY See GPUSWIZZLE on the Xbox 360 texture page.
0 3 SwizzleX See GPUSWIZZLE on the Xbox 360 texture page.
0 1 NumFormat See GPUNUMFORMAT on the Xbox 360 texture page.
0 2 TextureSignW See GPUSIGN on the Xbox 360 texture page.
0 2 TextureSignZ See GPUSIGN on the Xbox 360 texture page.
0 2 TextureSignY See GPUSIGN on the Xbox 360 texture page.
0 2 TextureSignX See GPUSIGN on the Xbox 360 texture page.
23 1 Tiled
24 2 Endian See GPUENDIAN on the Xbox 360 texture page.
26 6 TextureFormat See GPUTEXTUREFORMAT on the Xbox 360 texture page.


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 HeapMalloc* mpHeapMalloc
0x4 0x4 int32_t miBitsPerPixel
0x8 0x4 int32_t miWidth
0xC 0x4 int32_t miHeight
0x10 0x4 D3DFORMAT mFormat
0x14 0x4 char* mpcTexture
0x18 0x1 bool mbTextureAllocatedFromHeap
0x19 0x1 bool mbIsUncompressedYUV
0x1A 0x2 Padding

PC (Remastered)

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 HeapMalloc* mpHeapMalloc
0x4 0x4 int32_t miBitsPerPixel
0x8 0x4 int32_t miWidth
0xC 0x4 int32_t miHeight
0x10 0x4 DXGI_FORMAT mFormat
0x14 0x4 char* mpcTexture
0x18 0x1 bool mbTextureAllocatedFromHeap
0x19 0x1 bool mbIsUncompressedYUV
0x1A 0x2 Padding

PlayStation 4, Switch

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 HeapMalloc* mpHeapMalloc
0x8 0x4 int32_t miBitsPerPixel
0xC 0x4 int32_t miWidth
0x10 0x4 int32_t miHeight
0x14 0x4 DXGI_FORMAT mFormat
0x18 0x8 char* mpcTexture
0x20 0x1 bool mbTextureAllocatedFromHeap
0x21 0x1 bool mbIsUncompressedYUV
0x22 0x6 Padding


PlayStation 3

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x14 UniquePlayerID mUniquePlayerID
0x14 0x4 Padding
0x18 0x10 DateAndTime mCaptureDate
0x28 0x8 WorldRegion mWorldRegion
0x30 0x4 int32_t miNumCaptures
0x34 0x2 uint16_t mu16FileID
0x36 0x1 bool mbLocked
0x37 0x1 Padding

Xbox 360

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x18 UniquePlayerID mUniquePlayerID
0x18 0xC DateAndTime mCaptureDate
0x24 0x8 WorldRegion mWorldRegion
0x2C 0x4 int32_t miNumCaptures
0x30 0x2 uint16_t mu16FileID
0x32 0x1 bool mbLocked
0x33 0x5 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x14 UniquePlayerID mUniquePlayerID
0x14 0xC DateAndTime mCaptureDate
0x20 0x8 WorldRegion mWorldRegion
0x28 0x4 int32_t miNumCaptures
0x2C 0x2 uint16_t mu16FileID
0x2E 0x1 bool mbLocked
0x2F 0x1 Padding

PlayStation 4

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x19 UniquePlayerID mUniquePlayerID
0x19 0x3 Padding
0x1C 0x10 DateAndTime mCaptureDate
0x2C 0x8 WorldRegion mWorldRegion
0x34 0x4 int32_t miNumCaptures
0x38 0x2 uint16_t mu16FileID
0x3A 0x1 bool mbLocked
0x3B 0x5 Padding

PC (Remastered)

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x19 UniquePlayerID mUniquePlayerID
0x19 0x3 Padding
0x1C 0xC DateAndTime mCaptureDate
0x28 0x8 WorldRegion mWorldRegion
0x30 0x4 int32_t miNumCaptures
0x34 0x2 uint16_t mu16FileID
0x36 0x1 bool mbLocked
0x37 0x1 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x21 UniquePlayerID mUniquePlayerID
0x21 0x3 Padding
0x24 0x10 DateAndTime mCaptureDate
0x34 0x8 WorldRegion mWorldRegion
0x3C 0x4 int32_t miNumCaptures
0x40 0x2 uint16_t mu16FileID
0x42 0x1 bool mbLocked
0x43 0x5 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x14 PlayerName mPlayerName Player name


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x10 PlayerName mPlayerName Player name
0x10 0x8 int64_t ? XUID


PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Switch

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x1 bool mbIsLocal Defines whether the saved time is in a local time zone or UTC
0x1 0x7 Padding
0x8 0x8 time_t mSystemTime The time value

Xbox 360, PC, PC (Remastered)

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x1 bool mbIsLocal Defines whether the saved time is in a local time zone or UTC
0x1 0x3 Padding
0x8 0x8 FILETIME mSystemTime The time value


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 ECounty meCounty See counties
0x4 0x4 EDistrict meDistrict See districts



Name Type Length Comments
HitPropsBitArray BitArray<300000u> 0x9280


PlayStation 3

Name Type Length Comments
UniquePlayerID UniquePlayerIDPS3 0x14

Xbox 360

Name Type Length Comments
UniquePlayerID UniquePlayerIDX360 0x18

Other platforms

Similar to UniquePlayerIDPS3 but with an unknown type name. See PlayerName.


Progression rank

Name Value Comments
? 0 Learner's Permit
? 1 D License
? 2 C License
? 3 B License
? 4 A License
? 5 Burnout License
? 6 Elite License


Name Value Comments


Name Value Comments


Name Value Comment
E_UNLOCK_TYPE_UNLOCK 0 Unlocked at start
E_UNLOCK_TYPE_GIFT 1 Secondary finishes and Burning Route unlocks
E_UNLOCK_TYPE_TROPHY 2 Unlocked through achievements (carbon cars)
E_UNLOCK_TYPE_GOLD_SILVER 4 Gold and platinum cars
E_UNLOCK_TYPE_SPONSOR 5 Will not show until a certain rank is reached
? 6 Used on online cars. Causes vehicles to only show while online
? 7 Used on Beat The Team community cars (Tempesta Dream/Tiger GT)
? 8 Used on PDLC vehicles
? 9 Used on Cop Cars
? 10 Island unlock
? 11 Island gift


Name Value Comment
E_STATE_UNLOCKED 1 Roaming rival
E_STATE_BEATEN 3 Shut down


Name Value Comments


Name Value Comments


Name Value Comments


Name Value Comments
PIXELFORMAT_R8G8B8A8 0x55498085
PIXELFORMAT_A4R4G4B4 0x55720083
PIXELFORMAT_D24FS8 0x55720091
PIXELFORMAT_D24S8F 0x55720091
PIXELFORMAT_D16F 0x55720093
PIXELFORMAT_G16R16 0x55720095
PIXELFORMAT_Y16_X16 0x55720095
PIXELFORMAT_R5G5B5A1 0x55720097
PIXELFORMAT_G16R16F 0x5572009F
PIXELFORMAT_D16 0x55720192
PIXELFORMAT_X16 0x55720194
PIXELFORMAT_R16 0x55720194
PIXELFORMAT_A1R5G5B5 0x55720282
PIXELFORMAT_D24S8 0x55720290
PIXELFORMAT_R5G6B5 0x55720384
PIXELFORMAT_A8R8G8B8 0x55720885
PIXELFORMAT_B8 0x55720981
PIXELFORMAT_W16_Z16_Y16_X16_FLOAT 0x55720B9A
PIXELFORMAT_A16B16G16R16F 0x55720B9A
PIXELFORMAT_A32B32G32R32F 0x55720C9B
PIXELFORMAT_W32_Z32_Y32_X32_FLOAT 0x55720C9B


See the D3DFORMAT enumeration on the PC texture page.


See the DXGI_FORMAT enumeration on the Remastered texture page.


Name Value Comments