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Modding/Burnout Paradise/Memory map

From Burnout Wiki
Memory usage by collision resources in the OpenWorldPhy pool. Displayed using a debug menu in Burnout Paradise (2008-01-30 build).

Burnout Paradise uses the constant KAC_BINARY_MEMORY_MAP for memory management. When modding, it may be necessary to increase the size of the memory pools listed in the memory map. This has been the case in the past when repairing partially corrupt development builds and was necessary when the Canary Island mod's development was stalled due to the collision resources exceeding the size of the OpenWorldPhy/OWPhysics pool.

By editing the memory map, not only can larger resources be used, more resources can be as well because the limits on numbers of resources are placed in the map. Thus, any larger mods or efforts to improve the quality of certain assets may require altering it.


As a real-world use case, this section uses editing the OpenWorldPhy pool as an example.

The memory map is located in the game's executable. Searching for "Root Bank" and subtracting 0x40 from its start offset will place the cursor at the beginning of the memory map structure. From here, go to the pools offset (all offsets are relative to the start of the map), find the pool structure with the name "OpenWorldPhy", and change the main memory base resource size to the minimum amount that will satisfy your needs for the foreseeable future. Note the difference between the new and old sizes.

Because the OpenWorldPhy bank is a child of the OpenWorld bank, the OpenWorld bank needs to be edited as well. Go to the banks offset and find the bank structure with the name "OpenWorld". Take the size difference you noted earlier, align it to 0x20000, and add it to the main memory base resource size. Divide this size by 0x20000 and replace the number of blocks with the result. Save and run the game. Note: Sizes must be a multiple of the number of banks.



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 int32_t miVersion Version number Always 0
0x4 0x4 int32_t miPlatform Platform ID Always 0
0x8 0x4 uint32_t muNumBanks Number of memory banks
0xC 0x4 uint32_t muNumPools Number of memory pools
0x10 0x4 uint32_t muNumRawResources Number of raw resources
0x14 0x4 uint32_t muNumLinearAllocators Number of linear allocators
0x18 0x4 uint32_t muNumHeapAllocators Number of heap allocators
0x1C 0x4 uint32_t muNumRWLinearAllocators Number of RW linear allocators
0x20 0x4 uint32_t muNumRWGeneralAllocators Number of RW general allocators
0x24 0x4 MemoryMapBank* mpBanks Memory banks
0x28 0x4 MemoryMapPool* mpPools Memory pools
0x2C 0x4 MemoryMapRawResource* mpRawResources Raw resources
0x30 0x4 MemoryMapLinearAllocator* mpLinearAllocators Linear allocators
0x34 0x4 MemoryMapHeapAllocator* mpHeapAllocators Heap allocators
0x38 0x4 MemoryMapRWLinearAllocator* mpRWLinearAllocators RW linear allocators
0x3C 0x4 MemoryMapRWGeneralAllocator* mpRWGeneralAllocators RW general allocators


PlayStation 3

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x5C Params mBankParams Memory bank details

Xbox 360

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x54 Params mBankParams Memory bank details

PC, Remastered

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4C Params mBankParams Memory bank details


PlayStation 3

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x20 char[32] macName Name
0x20 0x4 int32_t mnParentBankId Parent ID
0x24 0x4 int32_t mnBankId ID
0x28 0x18 uint32_t[6] mauBankSize Allocated size per base resource type Must be a multiple of the number of blocks
See base resource types
0x40 0x18 uint32_t[6] mauBankBlocks Number of blocks per base resource type Each block is 0x20000 long by default
See base resource types
0x58 0x1 bool mbIsLeaf This node is a leaf node
0x59 0x1 bool mbAllowFragmentation Can this bank can be fragmented across memory
0x5A 0x2 Padding

Xbox 360

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x20 char[32] macName Name
0x20 0x4 int32_t mnParentBankId Parent ID
0x24 0x4 int32_t mnBankId ID
0x28 0x14 uint32_t[5] mauBankSize Allocated size per base resource type Must be a multiple of the number of blocks
See base resource types
0x3C 0x14 uint32_t[5] mauBankBlocks Number of blocks per base resource type Each block is 0x20000 long by default
See base resource types
0x50 0x1 bool mbIsLeaf This node is a leaf node
0x51 0x1 bool mbAllowFragmentation Can this bank can be fragmented across memory
0x52 0x2 Padding

PC, Remastered

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x20 char[32] macName Name
0x20 0x4 int32_t mnParentBankId Parent ID
0x24 0x4 int32_t mnBankId ID
0x28 0x10 uint32_t[4] mauBankSize Allocated sizes per base resource type Must be a multiple of the number of blocks
See base resource types
0x38 0x10 uint32_t[4] mauBankBlocks Number of blocks per base resource type Each block is 0x20000 long by default
See base resource types
0x48 0x1 bool mbIsLeaf This node is a leaf node
0x49 0x1 bool mbAllowFragmentation Can this bank can be fragmented across memory
0x4A 0x2 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0xAC CreatePoolRequest mRequest


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0xC PoolEvent super_PoolEvent
0xC 0x20 char[32] mpcName Name
0x2C 0x4 int32_t miDeletionDelayFrames Number of frames to wait before pool is deleted
0x30 0x4 uint32_t muMaxResources Max number of resources that can be held
0x34 0x4 uint32_t muMaxImports Max number of imports that can be held
0x38 0x18 ResourceDescriptor mDescriptor Pool descriptor See ESmallResourceMemType
0x50 0xC uint32_t[3] mauMaxResources Max number of resources per small resource type See ESmallResourceMemType
0x5C 0x4 int32_t miNumDependencies Number of dependencies
0x60 0x40 int32_t[16] maiDependencyIds Dependencies
0xA0 0x4 int32_t miBankId Bank ID
0xA4 0x4 int32_t miParentBankId Parent bank ID
0xA8 0x1 bool mbAllowDefragmentation Can this pool can be defragmented


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 BaseEventReceiverQueue* mpUser Not documented here
0x4 0x4 int32_t miEventId ID
0x8 0x4 int32_t miPoolId Pool ID


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x18 BaseResourceDescriptors<3u> Base class


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x18 BaseResourceDescriptor[3] m_baseResourceDescriptors Descriptors


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 uint32_t m_size Size
0x4 0x4 uint32_t m_alignment Alignment


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x64 CreateResourceRequest mRequest


PlayStation 3

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0xC MemoryRequest Base class
0xC 0x20 char[32] macBankName Bank name
0x2C 0x4 int32_t mnBankId Bank ID
0x30 0x4 int32_t mnParentBankId Parent bank ID
0x34 0x30 ResourceDescriptor mDescriptor

Xbox 360

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0xC MemoryRequest Base class
0xC 0x20 char[32] macBankName Bank name
0x2C 0x4 int32_t mnBankId Bank ID
0x30 0x4 int32_t mnParentBankId Parent bank ID
0x34 0x28 ResourceDescriptor mDescriptor

PC, PC (Remastered)

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0xC MemoryRequest Base class
0xC 0x20 char[32] macBankName Bank name
0x2C 0x4 int32_t mnBankId Bank ID
0x30 0x4 int32_t mnParentBankId Parent bank ID
0x34 0x20 ResourceDescriptor mDescriptor


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0xC MemoryEvent Base class


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 BaseEventReceiverQueue* mpUser Not documented here
0x4 0x4 int32_t mnEventId Event ID
0x8 0x4 EventType meEventType Event type


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x44 CreateAllocatorRequest mRequest


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0xC MemoryRequest Base class
0xC 0x20 char[32] macBankName Bank name
0x2C 0x4 int32_t mnBankId Bank ID
0x30 0x4 int32_t mnParentBankId Parent bank ID
0x34 0x4 int32_t mnResourceType
0x38 0x4 int32_t mnSize Size
0x3C 0x4 HeapMalloc* mpHeapAllocator Not documented here
0x40 0x4 LinearMalloc* mpLinearAllocator Not documented here


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x44 CreateAllocatorRequest mRequest


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x64 CreateLinearAllocatorRequest mRequest


Identical to CreateResourceRequest.


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x64 CreateGeneralAllocatorRequest mRequest


Identical to CreateResourceRequest.



Name Type Length Comments
ResourceDescriptor SmallResourceDescriptor 0x18



Name Value Comments


PlayStation 3

Name Value Comments

Xbox 360

Name Value Comments

PC, Remastered

Name Value Comments

Base resource types

PlayStation 3

Name Index
main memory 0
disposable 1
uninitialized 2
disposable uninitialized 3
graphics system 4
graphics local 5

Xbox 360

Name Index
main memory 0
disposable 1
physical 2
uninitialized 3
disposable uninitialized 4

PC, Remastered

Name Index
main memory 0
disposable 1
uninitialized 2
disposable uninitialized 3



Name ID Parent
Root Bank 0 N/A (-1)
OpenWorld 1 Root Bank
Physics 2 Root Bank
Cars 3 Root Bank
Sound 4 Root Bank
GUI 5 Root Bank
GameData 6 Root Bank
Misc 8 Root Bank
AttribSys 10 Root Bank
Network 26 Root Bank
Cameras 29 Root Bank
VFX 33 Root Bank
Global Textures 35 Root Bank
Replays 47 Root Bank
Player Physics 50 Physics
Massive 62 Root Bank



Name ID Bank ID Parent bank
Fonts 0 7 GUI
Physics 1 11 Physics
OpenWorldPhy 2 12 OpenWorld
GameData 5 15 GameData
Sound 6 16 Sound
AttribSysPool 7 17 AttribSys
Gui_Persistent_Apt_Pool 8 18 GUI
Apt_Streaming_Data 9 28 GUI
Global Textures 10 36 Global Textures
OpenWorldGr 3 13 OpenWorld
Gui_Lang_Fsm_Data_Pool 11 37 GUI
Gui_Sat_Nav_Textures 12 39 GUI
VFX Pool 13 40 VFX
ICE Pool 14 43 Cameras
Environment 16 46 OpenWorld
Car0 Physics 17 51 Player Physics
Car1 Physics 18 52 Player Physics
Car2 Physics 19 53 Player Physics
Car3 Physics 20 54 Player Physics
Car4 Physics 21 55 Player Physics
Car5 Physics 22 56 Player Physics
Car6 Physics 23 57 Player Physics
Car7 Physics 24 58 Player Physics
CarSharedPool 25 59 Cars
CarPool 4 14 Cars
Traffic 15 45 Cars
Freeburn Challenges 26 64 Network
Sound AI Engines 27 68 Sound

Raw resources


Name Bank ID Parent bank
Ice 34 Cameras

Linear allocators


Name Bank ID Parent bank
AttribSysLinAlloc 22 AttribSys
Behaviours 30 Cameras
Gui_State_Allocator 44 GUI
Replays Allocator 48 Replays
SP Allocator 61 Physics
Mugshots 65 GUI
FLAPT_Allocator 66 GUI

Heap allocators


Name Bank ID Parent bank
AttrSysHeap 19 AttribSys
GameTalkAlloc 20 AttribSys
EAStl 21 AttribSys
Network Memory 27 Network
Apt_Heap_Allocator 32 GUI
Gui_FSM_Lang_Alloc 38 GUI
VFX Heap 41 VFX
Massive Heap 63 Massive
LUA 67 GameData

RW linear allocators


Name Bank ID Parent bank
PhysicsAlloc 23 Physics
Network Image Allocator 42 Network
Scene Manager 49 Physics
VFX Graphics Allocator 60 VFX

RW general allocators


Name Bank ID Parent bank
Playback 9 Sound
Rwac 24 Sound
Logic 25 Sound
2D Immediate Heap 31 Misc
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