Profile/Burnout Paradise/Cagney Profile

From Burnout Wiki
Revision as of 09:26, 21 March 2024 by Burninrubber0 (talk | contribs) (Fix island unlock type order)
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The Cagney profile stores data for timed car challenges, community and online vehicles, and higher precision values for the time played and stunt run high score.



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 int32_t miVersionNumber Version number 29
0x4 0x4 Padding
0x8 0x698 Array<ChallengeScore, 70u> ? Timed challenge scores
0x6A0 0x28 Array<uint32_t, 8u> ? Calendar event data What do the integers represent?
0x6C8 0x1E0 CarData[20] ? Vehicles
0x8A8 0x1E0 LiveryData[20] ? Liveries
0xA88 0x8 int64_t ? Best stunt run score
0xA90 0x8 CgsID ? Spawn vehicle ID
0xA98 0x4 uint32_t ? Spawn vehicle update version
0xA9C 0x8 Time ? In-car time played
0xAA4 0x8 Time ? Real time played
0xAAC 0x4 int32_t ? Vehicle count
0xAB0 0x4 int32_t ? Livery count
0xAB4 0x1 uint8_t ?
0xAB5 0x3 Padding
0xAB8 0x8 BitArray<20u> ? Atomika freeburn chats played AFB_CHAT streams


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 CgsID ? Challenge GameDB ID
0x8 0x4 float32_t ? Time (seconds)
0xC 0x4 uint32_t ? Number of players High nibble is unused
0x10 0x1 uint8_t ?
0x11 0x7 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 CgsID mId Vehicle ID
0x8 0x1 uint8_t mu8ColourIndex Color index From the Player Car Colours resource
0x9 0x1 uint8_t mu8PaletteIndex Color palette/type index From the Player Car Colours resource
0xA 0x1 bool mbUnlockSequenceAlreadyShown Has Junkyard unlock animation been played
0xB 0x1 uint8_t ? Version flags from the Vehicle List resource Padding prior to game version 1.3
0xC 0x4 float32_t mfUnlockDeformedAmount Damage applied to the car
0x10 0x4 UnlockType meUnlockType Vehicle unlock type
0x14 0x4 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 CgsID mBaseCarId
0x8 0x8 CgsID mChosenLiveryCarId
0x10 0x4 float32_t mfDistanceDriven
0x14 0x1 uint8_t ? Version flags from the Vehicle List resource Padding prior to version 1.3
0x15 0x3 ? ? Padding


Precise time counter used as a replacement for floats starting in version 1.3.

Offset Size Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 int32_t miSeconds Seconds
0x4 0x4 float32_t mfFraction Milliseconds



Name Value Comment
E_UNLOCK_TYPE_UNLOCK 0 Unlocked at start
E_UNLOCK_TYPE_GIFT 1 Secondary finishes and Burning Route unlocks
E_UNLOCK_TYPE_TROPHY 2 Unlocked through achievements (carbon cars)
E_UNLOCK_TYPE_GOLD_SILVER 4 Gold and platinum cars
E_UNLOCK_TYPE_SPONSOR 5 Will not show until a certain rank is reached
? 6 Used on online cars. Causes vehicles to only show while online
? 7 Used on Beat The Team community cars (Tempesta Dream/Tiger GT)
? 8 Used on PDLC vehicles
? 9 Used on Cop Cars
? 10 Island gift
? 11 Island unlock