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Comms Tool List Definition

From Burnout Wiki
aka CommsToolDef
No Example
Resource names Car
Type ID 0x45
Category Generic
Main Memory only
Imports Unknown
Imported by Unknown

Part of the Comms Database, definitions define the fields present in the Comms Tool List resources. Names for the fields can be found in the executable.




Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 uint32_t* ? Unknown hashes Language hash
0x4 0x4 uint32_t* ? Category name hashes Found in executable. Language hash
0x8 0x4 uint32_t* ? Field name hashes Found in executable. Language hash
0xC 0x4 uint32_t* ? Field offsets
0x10 0x4 uint32_t ? Definition name hash Found in executable. See definition names. Language hash
0x14 0x4 uint32_t ? Number of fields Fields have one entry in each chunk
0x18 0x4 uint32_t ? Length of Comms Tool List resources using this definition
0x1C 0x4 uint32_t ? Definition version hash? See version names. Matches offset 0x8 in Comms Tool List. Language hash
0x20 0x4 uint32_t ? Definition resource length


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 uint32_t* ? Unknown hashes Language hash
0x8 0x8 uint32_t* ? Category name hashes Language hash
0x10 0x8 uint32_t* ? Field name hashes Language hash
0x18 0x8 uint32_t* ? Field offsets
0x20 0x4 uint32_t ? Definition name hash Found in executable. See definition names. Language hash
0x24 0x4 uint32_t ? Number of fields Fields have one entry in each chunk
0x28 0x4 uint32_t ? Length of Comms Tool List resources using this definition
0x2C 0x4 uint32_t ? Definition version hash? See version names. Matches offset 0x8 in Comms Tool List. Language hash
0x30 0x4 uint32_t ? Definition resource length

Definition names

Name Value Comments
Gameplay 0x0E31492C
PassThePadDef 0x122624F9
Car 0xB08F5F82
Motorbike 0x308FAF92

Version names

The actual purpose of the field and its names are unknown.

Name Value Comments
? 0xD34014F7 Gameplay (v1.3)
? 0x1931A153 Gameplay (v1.4-v1.6, PC v1.0)
? 0x1425BE7A Motorbike (v1.4-v1.6, PC v1.0)
? 0xD7A6F29E Car (v1.6+, PC)
? 0x260AE5E0 PassThePadDef (v1.6+, PC)
? 0x1931A153 Gameplay (v1.7+, PC v1.1, PC (Remastered))
? 0xE4E4ADA7 Motorbike (v1.7+, PC v1.1, PC (Remastered))
? 0x51AD1B08 Gameplay (PS4 (Remastered))
? 0x1A6C99A7 PassThePadDef (PS4 (Remastered))
? 0xB5911E4E Car (PS4 (Remastered))
? 0xD261313C Motorbike (PS4 (Remastered))


All definitions present in Burnout Paradise.
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