Street Data/Previous versions

From Burnout Wiki


  • In v1.0-v1.3, miVersion is 5. This version lacks the unknown integer at the end of each road.
  • In v1.4-v1.8, miVersion is 6. An 8-bit integer was added to the end of each road. This was updated to 32-bit in v1.9 but without a version number change.




Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0xC Vector3 mReferencePosition
0xC 0x4 SpanIndex* mpaSpans
0x10 0x8 CgsID mId Road GameDB ID
0x18 0x8 CgsID miRoadLimitId0 Road limit 0 GameDB ID
0x20 0x8 CgsID miRoadLimitId1 Road limit 1 GameDB ID
0x28 0x10 char[16] macDebugName
0x38 0x4 ChallengeIndex mChallenge
0x3C 0x4 int32_t miSpanCount


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0xC Vector3 mReferencePosition
0xC 0x4 SpanIndex* mpaSpans
0x10 0x8 CgsID mId Road GameDB ID
0x18 0x8 CgsID miRoadLimitId0 Road limit 0 GameDB ID
0x20 0x8 CgsID miRoadLimitId1 Road limit 1 GameDB ID
0x28 0x10 char[16] macDebugName
0x38 0x4 ChallengeIndex mChallenge
0x3C 0x4 int32_t miSpanCount
0x40 0x4 uint8_t ? Always 1
0x41 0x7 Padding