Profile/Burnout Paradise/Cagney Options Data Profile/Development

From Burnout Wiki

Breaker Island build

In the Breaker Island DLC build, the options data profile was present under the DLC1 name. This was its first iteration. Its purpose is not currently known.



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 int32_t miVersionNumber Version number 1
0x4 0x4 uint32_t ?
0x8 0x1 uint8_t ?
0x9 0x1 uint8_t ?
0xA 0x1 uint8_t ?
0xB 0x1 uint8_t ?
0xC 0x1 uint8_t ?
0xD 0x1 uint8_t ?
0xE 0x1 uint8_t ?
0xF 0x1 uint8_t ?