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Particle Description

From Burnout Wiki
aka {{{othernames}}}
No Example
Resource names Unknown
Type ID 0x1001D
Category Game-specific
(Burnout Paradise)
Main Memory only
Imports Unknown
Imported by Particle Description Collection

Particle description resources are the primary assets used for Lion particle effects.


Note: Particle descriptions makes use of nonstandard types such as U32 and non-Criterion types such as cVector. See Lion Data Types for details on these types.
Note: All pointers are relative to the start of the lowest-level structure they reside in.



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 uint32_t muHashedGDBURI Resource ID
0x4 0x4 cLionEffectDefinition* mpLionEffectDefinition Effect


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 uint32_t muHashedGDBURI Resource ID
0x4 0x4 Padding
0x8 0x8 cLionEffectDefinition* mpLionEffectDefinition Effect



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mVersion Always 0x10003
0x4 0x4 LionHash m_key Not actually a hash
0x8 0x40 LionChar[32] m_name
0x48 0x4 cLionParticleEffect* mpParticles
0x4C 0x4 cLionBindings* mpBindings
0x50 0x4 cLionEffectDefinition* mpNext


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mVersion Always 0x10003
0x4 0x4 LionHash m_key Not actually a hash
0x8 0x40 LionChar[32] m_name
0x48 0x8 cLionParticleEffect* mpParticles
0x50 0x8 cLionBindings* mpBindings
0x58 0x8 cLionEffectDefinition* mpNext



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mHash
0x4 0x4 cParticleDescriptor* mpDescriptors
0x8 0x4 cLionParticleEffect* mpNext


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mHash
0x4 0x4 Padding
0x8 0x8 cParticleDescriptor* mpDescriptors
0x10 0x8 cLionParticleEffect* mpNext



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mID
0x4 0x4 FP32 mPauseTime
0x8 0x4 FP32 mPauseTimeVariance
0xC 0x4 FP32 mRepeatTime
0x10 0x4 FP32 mRepeatTimeVariance
0x14 0x4 FP32 mEmitterLifeBase
0x18 0x4 FP32 mEmitterLifeVariance
0x1C 0x4 U32 mEmitterLifeInfiniteFlag
0x20 0x4 U32 mFlags See eParticleDescriptorFlags
0x24 0x4 U32 mLodGroup
0x28 0x4 U32 mRenderGroup
0x2C 0x4 U32 mShape
0x30 0x4 U32 mCollisionType
0x34 0x4 FP32 mBlendLast
0x38 0x4 LionChar* mpName
0x3C 0x4 S32 mBehaviourCount
0x40 0x4 cParticleBehaviour* mpBehaviours
0x44 0x4 cParticleBehaviour* mpBehaviourTemp
0x48 0x4 cParticleBehaviour* mpBehaviour
0x4C 0x4 cParticleMaterial* mpMaterial
0x50 0x4 cLionEffectDefinition* mpDef
0x54 0x4 cParticleDescriptor* mpNext
0x58 0x4 cParticleDescriptor* mpParent
0x5C 0x4 cParticleDescriptor* mpChild


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mID
0x4 0x4 FP32 mPauseTime
0x8 0x4 FP32 mPauseTimeVariance
0xC 0x4 FP32 mRepeatTime
0x10 0x4 FP32 mRepeatTimeVariance
0x14 0x4 FP32 mEmitterLifeBase
0x18 0x4 FP32 mEmitterLifeVariance
0x1C 0x4 U32 mEmitterLifeInfiniteFlag
0x20 0x4 U32 mFlags See eParticleDescriptorFlags
0x24 0x4 U32 mLodGroup
0x28 0x4 U32 mRenderGroup
0x2C 0x4 U32 mShape
0x30 0x4 U32 mCollisionType
0x34 0x4 FP32 mBlendLast
0x38 0x8 LionChar* mpName
0x40 0x4 S32 mBehaviourCount
0x44 0x4 Padding
0x48 0x8 cParticleBehaviour* mpBehaviours
0x50 0x8 cParticleBehaviour* mpBehaviourTemp
0x58 0x8 cParticleBehaviour* mpBehaviour
0x60 0x8 cParticleMaterial* mpMaterial
0x68 0x8 cLionEffectDefinition* mpDef
0x70 0x8 cParticleDescriptor* mpNext
0x78 0x8 cParticleDescriptor* mpParent
0x80 0x8 cParticleDescriptor* mpChild



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x10 cVector mAccBase
0x10 0x10 cVector mAccVariance
0x20 0x10 cVector mAxisBase
0x30 0x10 cVector mOffsetRotXYZBase
0x40 0x10 cVector mOffsetRotXYZVariance
0x50 0x10 cVector mOffsetRotXYZVelBase
0x60 0x10 cVector mOffsetRotXYZVelVariance
0x70 0x10 cVector mOffsetRotXYZAccBase
0x80 0x10 cVector mOffsetRotXYZAccVariance
0x90 0x10 cVector mRotXYZBase
0xA0 0x10 cVector mRotXYZVariance
0xB0 0x10 cVector mRotXYZVelBase
0xC0 0x10 cVector mRotXYZVelVariance
0xD0 0x10 cVector mRotXYZAccBase
0xE0 0x10 cVector mRotXYZAccVariance
0xF0 0x10 cVector mPivotPoint
0x100 0x10 cVector mPosBase
0x110 0x10 cVector mPosVariance
0x120 0x10 cVector mRingRadius
0x130 0x10 cVector mSizeXYZBase
0x140 0x10 cVector mSizeXYZVariance
0x150 0x10 cVector mSizeXYZVelBase
0x160 0x10 cVector mSizeXYZVelVariance
0x170 0x10 cVector mSizeXYZAccBase
0x180 0x10 cVector mSizeXYZAccVariance
0x190 0x10 cVector mVelBase
0x1A0 0x10 cVector mVelVariance
0x1B0 0x10 cVector mRGBADiff
0x1C0 0x40 cVector[4] mColourStepsRGBAv
0x200 0x10 FP32[4] mDivisors
0x210 0x4 cColour8 mRGBA0
0x214 0x4 cColour8 mRGBA1
0x218 0x4 cColour8 mRGBABase
0x21C 0x4 cColour8 mRGBAVar
0x220 0x10 cColour8[4] mColour
0x230 0x10 FP32[4] mColourTime
0x240 0x10 cColour8[4] mColourStepRGBA
0x250 0x10 FP32[4] mRGBATime
0x260 0x4 U32 mColourSteps
0x264 0x4 U32 mRGBAVarianceMode
0x268 0x4 FP32 mZero
0x26C 0x4 FP32 mAlphaFadeOutPlusInvOneMinusAlphaFadeOut
0x270 0x4 FP32 mAlphaFadeInInv
0x274 0x4 FP32 mNegInvOneMinusAlphaFadeOut
0x278 0x4 FP32 mAlphaFadeIn
0x27C 0x4 FP32 mAlphaFadeOut
0x280 0x4 FP32 mCellSize
0x284 0x4 FP32 mCloneScaleInTime
0x288 0x4 FP32 mDragFactor
0x28C 0x4 FP32 mMass
0x290 0x4 FP32 mSizeBase
0x294 0x4 FP32 mSizeVariance
0x298 0x4 FP32 mSizeVelBase
0x29C 0x4 FP32 mSizeVelVariance
0x2A0 0x4 FP32 mSizeAccBase
0x2A4 0x4 FP32 mSizeAccVariance
0x2A8 0x4 FP32 mEmissionRateBase
0x2AC 0x4 FP32 mEmissionRateVariance
0x2B0 0x4 FP32 mLifeBase
0x2B4 0x4 FP32 mLifeVariance
0x2B8 0x4 FP32 mRadius
0x2BC 0x4 FP32 mScale
0x2C0 0x4 U32 mEmissionCountClamp
0x2C4 0x4 U32 mFlags
0x2C8 0x4 cParticleWaveForm* mpWaveFormX
0x2CC 0x4 cParticleWaveForm* mpWaveFormY
0x2D0 0x4 cParticleWaveForm* mpWaveFormZ
0x2D4 0x4 cParticleWaveForm* mpWaveFormAlpha
0x2D8 0x4 cParticleWaveForm* mpWaveFormRGB
0x2DC 0x4 cParticleBehaviour* mpNext
0x2E0 0x180 cParticleBehaviourBaseVarianceCompiled mBVCompiled
0x460 0x1 bool mEmissionRateHasBeenScaled
0x461 0x3 Padding
0x464 U32 U32 mEmissionCountClampVariance
0x468 FP32 FP32 mEndOnAlphaFade
0x46C FP32 FP32 mEndOnScale
0x470 FP32 FP32 mEndOnStartAngle
0x474 FP32 FP32 mEndOnEndAngle
0x478 FP32 FP32 mTimeScale
0x47C FP32 FP32 mTimeScaleVariance
0x480 U32 U32 mRibbonParticleCount
0x484 FP32 FP32 mDragFactorVel
0x488 FP32 FP32 mDragFactorRot
0x48C FP32 FP32 mDragFactorScale
0x490 FP32 FP32 mEmitterStartWeight
0x494 FP32 FP32 mEmitterEndWeight
0x498 FP32 FP32 mEmitterVelWeight
0x49C 0x4 Padding
0x4A0 0x10 cVector mAABBMin
0x4B0 0x10 cVector mAABBMax


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x10 cVector mAccBase
0x10 0x10 cVector mAccVariance
0x20 0x10 cVector mAxisBase
0x30 0x10 cVector mOffsetRotXYZBase
0x40 0x10 cVector mOffsetRotXYZVariance
0x50 0x10 cVector mOffsetRotXYZVelBase
0x60 0x10 cVector mOffsetRotXYZVelVariance
0x70 0x10 cVector mOffsetRotXYZAccBase
0x80 0x10 cVector mOffsetRotXYZAccVariance
0x90 0x10 cVector mRotXYZBase
0xA0 0x10 cVector mRotXYZVariance
0xB0 0x10 cVector mRotXYZVelBase
0xC0 0x10 cVector mRotXYZVelVariance
0xD0 0x10 cVector mRotXYZAccBase
0xE0 0x10 cVector mRotXYZAccVariance
0xF0 0x10 cVector mPivotPoint
0x100 0x10 cVector mPosBase
0x110 0x10 cVector mPosVariance
0x120 0x10 cVector mRingRadius
0x130 0x10 cVector mSizeXYZBase
0x140 0x10 cVector mSizeXYZVariance
0x150 0x10 cVector mSizeXYZVelBase
0x160 0x10 cVector mSizeXYZVelVariance
0x170 0x10 cVector mSizeXYZAccBase
0x180 0x10 cVector mSizeXYZAccVariance
0x190 0x10 cVector mVelBase
0x1A0 0x10 cVector mVelVariance
0x1B0 0x10 cVector mRGBADiff
0x1C0 0x40 cVector[4] mColourStepsRGBAv
0x200 0x10 FP32[4] mDivisors
0x210 0x4 cColour8 mRGBA0
0x214 0x4 cColour8 mRGBA1
0x218 0x4 cColour8 mRGBABase
0x21C 0x4 cColour8 mRGBAVar
0x220 0x10 cColour8[4] mColour
0x230 0x10 FP32[4] mColourTime
0x240 0x10 cColour8[4] mColourStepRGBA
0x250 0x10 FP32[4] mRGBATime
0x260 0x4 U32 mColourSteps
0x264 0x4 U32 mRGBAVarianceMode
0x268 0x4 FP32 mZero
0x26C 0x4 FP32 mAlphaFadeOutPlusInvOneMinusAlphaFadeOut
0x270 0x4 FP32 mAlphaFadeInInv
0x274 0x4 FP32 mNegInvOneMinusAlphaFadeOut
0x278 0x4 FP32 mAlphaFadeIn
0x27C 0x4 FP32 mAlphaFadeOut
0x280 0x4 FP32 mCellSize
0x284 0x4 FP32 mCloneScaleInTime
0x288 0x4 FP32 mDragFactor
0x28C 0x4 FP32 mMass
0x290 0x4 FP32 mSizeBase
0x294 0x4 FP32 mSizeVariance
0x298 0x4 FP32 mSizeVelBase
0x29C 0x4 FP32 mSizeVelVariance
0x2A0 0x4 FP32 mSizeAccBase
0x2A4 0x4 FP32 mSizeAccVariance
0x2A8 0x4 FP32 mEmissionRateBase
0x2AC 0x4 FP32 mEmissionRateVariance
0x2B0 0x4 FP32 mLifeBase
0x2B4 0x4 FP32 mLifeVariance
0x2B8 0x4 FP32 mRadius
0x2BC 0x4 FP32 mScale
0x2C0 0x4 U32 mEmissionCountClamp
0x2C4 0x4 U32 mFlags
0x2C8 0x8 cParticleWaveForm* mpWaveFormX
0x2D0 0x8 cParticleWaveForm* mpWaveFormY
0x2D8 0x8 cParticleWaveForm* mpWaveFormZ
0x2E0 0x8 cParticleWaveForm* mpWaveFormAlpha
0x2E8 0x8 cParticleWaveForm* mpWaveFormRGB
0x2F0 0x8 cParticleBehaviour* mpNext
0x2F8 0x180 cParticleBehaviourBaseVarianceCompiled mBVCompiled
0x478 0x1 bool mEmissionRateHasBeenScaled
0x479 0x3 Padding
0x47C U32 U32 mEmissionCountClampVariance
0x480 FP32 FP32 mEndOnAlphaFade
0x484 FP32 FP32 mEndOnScale
0x488 FP32 FP32 mEndOnStartAngle
0x48C FP32 FP32 mEndOnEndAngle
0x490 FP32 FP32 mTimeScale
0x494 FP32 FP32 mTimeScaleVariance
0x498 U32 U32 mRibbonParticleCount
0x49C FP32 FP32 mDragFactorVel
0x4A0 FP32 FP32 mDragFactorRot
0x4A4 FP32 FP32 mDragFactorScale
0x4A8 FP32 FP32 mEmitterStartWeight
0x4AC FP32 FP32 mEmitterEndWeight
0x4B0 FP32 FP32 mEmitterVelWeight
0x4B4 0xC Padding
0x4C0 0x10 cVector mAABBMin
0x4D0 0x10 cVector mAABBMax


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mID
0x4 0x4 U32 mType
0x8 0x4 FP32 mBase
0xC 0x4 FP32 mPhase
0x10 0x4 FP32 mFreq
0x14 0x4 FP32 mAmp
0x18 0x4 FP32 mClampMin
0x1C 0x4 FP32 mClampMax
0x20 0x4 FP32 mBaseVariance
0x24 0x4 FP32 mPhaseVariance
0x28 0x4 FP32 mFreqVariance
0x2C 0x4 FP32 mAmpVariance
0x30 0x4 FP32 mClampMinVariance
0x34 0x4 FP32 mClampMaxVariance


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x178 sParticleBehaviourBaseVariancePack[47] aData
0x178 0x4 uint size
0x17C 0x4 uint dummy


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 float base
0x4 0x4 float variance



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mID
0x4 0x4 U32 mMaterialHandle
0x8 0x4 U32 mMeshHandle
0xC 0x4 U32 mTextureHandle
0x10 0x4 char* mpTextureName
0x14 0x4 U32 mNormalMapHandle
0x18 0x4 char* mpNormalMapName
0x1C 0x4 char* mpMeshName
0x20 0x4 char* mpLayerGroupName
0x24 0x4 U32 mFlags
0x28 0x4 U32 mFrameMask
0x2C 0x4 S32 mFrameBase
0x30 0x4 S32 mFrameVariance
0x34 0x4 S32 mFrameCount
0x38 0x1 U8 mXFrames
0x39 0x1 U8 mYFrames
0x3A 0x1 U8 mBlendMode
0x3B 0x1 U8 mAlphaTestMode
0x3C 0x1 U8 mAlphaTestValue
0x3D 0x1 U8 mZTestMode
0x3E 0x1 U8 mPad
0x3F 0x1 U8 mUCoordOption
0x40 0x1 U8 mVCoordOption
0x41 0x1 U8 mAnimTexOptions
0x42 0x1 U8 mShader
0x43 0x1 U8 mNormalOption
0x44 0x4 U32 mLayer
0x48 0x4 FP32 mRibbonStretch
0x4C 0x14 U32[5] mMeshHandles
0x60 0x14 char*[5] mpMeshNames
0x74 0x14 U32[5] mPercentages
0x88 0x4 U32 mNumMeshes
0x8C 0x4 FP32 mNormalBlend
0x90 0x4 FP32 mKeyLightAmount
0x94 0x4 FP32 mIBLAmount
0x98 0x4 FP32 mZBlendDistance
0x9C 0x4 FP32 mFPS
0xA0 0x4 FP32 mFPSVariance


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mID
0x4 0x4 U32 mMaterialHandle
0x8 0x4 U32 mMeshHandle
0xC 0x4 U32 mTextureHandle
0x10 0x8 char* mpTextureName
0x18 0x4 U32 mNormalMapHandle
0x1C 0x4 Padding
0x20 0x8 char* mpNormalMapName
0x28 0x8 char* mpMeshName
0x30 0x8 char* mpLayerGroupName
0x38 0x4 U32 mFlags
0x3C 0x4 U32 mFrameMask
0x40 0x4 S32 mFrameBase
0x44 0x4 S32 mFrameVariance
0x48 0x4 S32 mFrameCount
0x4C 0x1 U8 mXFrames
0x4D 0x1 U8 mYFrames
0x4E 0x1 U8 mBlendMode
0x4F 0x1 U8 mAlphaTestMode
0x50 0x1 U8 mAlphaTestValue
0x51 0x1 U8 mZTestMode
0x52 0x1 U8 mPad
0x53 0x1 U8 mUCoordOption
0x54 0x1 U8 mVCoordOption
0x55 0x1 U8 mAnimTexOptions
0x56 0x1 U8 mShader
0x57 0x1 U8 mNormalOption
0x58 0x4 U32 mLayer
0x5C 0x4 FP32 mRibbonStretch
0x60 0x14 U32[5] mMeshHandles
0x74 0x4 Padding
0x78 0x28 char*[5] mpMeshNames
0xA0 0x14 U32[5] mPercentages
0xB4 0x4 U32 mNumMeshes
0xB8 0x4 FP32 mNormalBlend
0xBC 0x4 FP32 mKeyLightAmount
0xC0 0x4 FP32 mIBLAmount
0xC4 0x4 FP32 mZBlendDistance
0xC8 0x4 FP32 mFPS
0xCC 0x4 FP32 mFPSVariance


As this is not present in any available resources, 64-bit is based on the alignment behaviour of other structures. The same is true of all substructures.


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mLocatorCount
0x4 0x4 U32 mWorldIndex
0x8 0x4 cParticleLocator** mppLocators
0xC 0x4 cParticleLocator* mpLocator
0x10 0x4 cParticleScaler* mpScaler
0x14 0x4 cParticleTrigger* mpTrigger
0x18 0x8 Padding
0x20 0x40 cParticleRandomSeed mSeed
0x60 0x4 cLionBindings* mpNext
0x64 0x4 cParticleEmitter* m_p_emitter
0x68 0x8 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mLocatorCount
0x4 0x4 U32 mWorldIndex
0x8 0x8 cParticleLocator** mppLocators
0x10 0x8 cParticleLocator* mpLocator
0x18 0x8 cParticleScaler* mpScaler
0x20 0x8 cParticleTrigger* mpTrigger
0x28 0x8 Padding
0x30 0x40 cParticleRandomSeed mSeed
0x70 0x8 cLionBindings* mpNext
0x74 0x4 cParticleEmitter* m_p_emitter
0x78 0x8 Padding



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x40 cMatrix mMat
0x40 0x10 cVector mVel
0x50 0x20 cQuat[2] mCacheQuat
0x70 0x20 cVector[2] mCachePos
0x90 0x8 cTime[2] mCacheTime
0x98 0x4 cTime mTime
0x9C 0x4 U32 mIndex
0xA0 0x4 U32 mFlags
0xA4 0x4 iLionPosEvaluator* mpPosEvaluator
0xA8 0x8 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x40 cMatrix mMat
0x40 0x10 cVector mVel
0x50 0x20 cQuat[2] mCacheQuat
0x70 0x20 cVector[2] mCachePos
0x90 0x8 cTime[2] mCacheTime
0x98 0x4 cTime mTime
0x9C 0x4 U32 mIndex
0xA0 0x4 U32 mFlags
0xA4 0x4 Padding
0xA8 0x8 iLionPosEvaluator* mpPosEvaluator


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 FP32 mScale


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 cTime mTime
0x4 0x4 cTime mTimeStart
0x8 0x4 cTime mTimeStop
0xC 0x1 bool mbEnabled
0xD 0x3 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x30 Random mCgsRandom
0x30 0x4 U32 mSeed
0x34 0xC Padding



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mBucketsUsed
0x4 0xC Padding
0x10 0x40 cMatrix mParentBaseMatrix
0x50 0x10 cVector mParentVel
0x60 0x10 cVector mForce
0x70 0xE0 sParticleNucleus mParentEmitterNucleus
0x150 0x40 cParticleRandomSeed mParentRandomSeed
0x190 0x4 U32 mParentIndex
0x194 0x4 cParticleEmitter* mpParentEmitter
0x198 0x4 cTime mParentTime
0x19C 0x4 cTime mLastTime
0x1A0 0x4 cTime mUpdateLastTime
0x1A4 0x4 S32 mNextEmissionTime
0x1A8 0x4 FP32 m_age
0x1AC 0x4 FP32 mDt
0x1B0 0x40 cParticleRandomSeed mEmitterSeed
0x1F0 0x4 U32 mFlags
0x1F4 0x4 U32 mEmissionCount
0x1F8 0x4 cParticleDescriptor* mpDescriptor
0x1FC 0x4 cLionBindings* mpBindings
0x200 0x4 cParticleBucket* mpBucket
0x204 0x4 cParticleEmitter* mpNext
0x208 0x4 U32 mPhysicsHandle
0x20C 0x4 cParticleBehaviour* mpCurrentBehaviour
0x210 0x4 cParticleBehaviour* mpTempBehaviour
0x214 0x4 FP32 mBlendLast
0x218 0x8 Padding
0x220 0xB0 ParticleBuildData mPrecalculatedParticleBuildData


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 U32 mBucketsUsed
0x4 0xC Padding
0x10 0x40 cMatrix mParentBaseMatrix
0x50 0x10 cVector mParentVel
0x60 0x10 cVector mForce
0x70 0xE0 sParticleNucleus mParentEmitterNucleus
0x150 0x40 cParticleRandomSeed mParentRandomSeed
0x190 0x4 U32 mParentIndex
0x194 0x4 Padding
0x198 0x8 cParticleEmitter* mpParentEmitter
0x1A0 0x4 cTime mParentTime
0x1A4 0x4 cTime mLastTime
0x1A8 0x4 cTime mUpdateLastTime
0x1AC 0x4 S32 mNextEmissionTime
0x1B0 0x4 FP32 m_age
0x1B4 0x4 FP32 mDt
0x1B8 0x8 Padding
0x1C0 0x40 cParticleRandomSeed mEmitterSeed
0x200 0x4 U32 mFlags
0x1F4 0x4 U32 mEmissionCount
0x1F8 0x8 cParticleDescriptor* mpDescriptor
0x200 0x8 cLionBindings* mpBindings
0x208 0x8 cParticleBucket* mpBucket
0x210 0x8 cParticleEmitter* mpNext
0x218 0x4 U32 mPhysicsHandle
0x21C 0x4 Padding
0x220 0x8 cParticleBehaviour* mpCurrentBehaviour
0x228 0x8 cParticleBehaviour* mpTempBehaviour
0x230 0x4 FP32 mBlendLast
0x234 0xC Padding
0x240 0xB0 ParticleBuildData mPrecalculatedParticleBuildData


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x10 Vector3Plus mPos
0x10 0x10 Vector3Plus mVel
0x20 0x10 Vector3Plus mAcc
0x30 0x10 Vector3Plus mRot
0x40 0x10 Vector3Plus mRotVel
0x50 0x10 Vector3Plus mRotAcc
0x60 0x10 Vector3Plus mOffsetRot
0x70 0x10 Vector3Plus mOffsetRotVel
0x80 0x10 Vector3Plus mOffsetRotAcc
0x90 0x10 Vector3Plus mSize
0xA0 0x10 Vector3Plus mSizeVel
0xB0 0x10 Vector3Plus mSizeAcc
0xC0 0x10 Vector3Plus mLocatorVel
0xD0 0x10 Vector4 mvLifeTimeAndFrameTimeAndFPSAndBirthTime



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 cParticleBucket* mpManagerNext
0x4 0x4 cParticleEmitter* mpEmitter
0x8 0x4 cParticleBucket* mpEmitterNext
0xC 0x4 cTime mLatestBirthTime
0x10 0x40 cParticleRandomSeed mRandomSeed
0x50 0x4 U32 mnNextParticlePositionToFill
0x54 0x4 U32 mActiveBits
0x58 0x8 Padding
0x60 0xE00 sParticleNucleus[16] mParticles
0xE60 0x4 cMatrix* mpMatrices
0xE64 0x4 cVector* mpVectors
0xE68 0x8 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 cParticleBucket* mpManagerNext
0x8 0x8 cParticleEmitter* mpEmitter
0x10 0x8 cParticleBucket* mpEmitterNext
0x18 0x4 cTime mLatestBirthTime
0x1C 0x4 Padding
0x20 0x40 cParticleRandomSeed mRandomSeed
0x60 0x4 U32 mnNextParticlePositionToFill
0x64 0x4 U32 mActiveBits
0x68 0x8 Padding
0x70 0xE00 sParticleNucleus[16] mParticles
0xE70 0x8 cMatrix* mpMatrices
0xE78 0x8 cVector* mpVectors


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x10 Vector4 mvDeltaTimeAndCurrentTime
0x10 0x10 Vector2 mvAlphaFadeInAndFadeOut
0x20 0x10 Vector3 mvScaleAndProportionalScaleYXAndZX
0x30 0x10 Vector2 mvOrientStepAndDragFrameRateConstants
0x40 0x10 Vector3 mvDragFactorsVelRotScale
0x50 0x10 Vector3Plus mvRGBADiff
0x60 0x10 Vector3Plus mvRGBA0
0x70 0x10 Vector3Plus mvRGBAVar
0x80 0x10 Vector3Plus mvRGBABase
0x90 0x10 VecFloat mvfFrameCount
0xA0 0x10 VecFloat mvfOneOverFrameCount



Name Value Comments
eDO_PREFORM 0x4000
eDO_RIBBON 0x10000
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