HUD Message Sequence

From Burnout Wiki
Revision as of 12:02, 28 September 2023 by Burninrubber0 (talk | contribs) (Added resource names, expanded description, and added some field descriptions.)
aka {{{othernames}}}
No Example
Resource names *.hms
*Sequence name, e.g. DTArmRvSt
Type ID 0x2E
Category Generic
Main Memory only
Imports Unknown
Imported by Unknown


HUD message sequence resources contain a set of HUD message IDs so the messages can be displayed in sequence. It is only used in early development builds. Resources can be found in HUDMESSAGESEQUENCES.HMSC.

This type was removed from Burnout Paradise Remastered on PS4 but reintroduced in the PC and Switch releases.


No structures are available in the debug data. All data is from user research.


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 CgsID ? Sequence ID
0x8 0xD char[13] ? Sequence name
0x15 0x3 Padding
0x18 0x4 uint32_t ? Format version? Always 1
0x1C 0x4 uint32_t ? Resource size
0x20 0x24 ? ? Always null
0x44 0x4 uint32_t ? Number of entries used
0x48 0x180 Entry[8] ? Entries


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 CgsID ? Message name
0x8 0x4 float ? Seconds to wait before next message in sequence? Always 5
0xC 0x20 ? ? All bytes are 0xFF
0x2C 0x4 ? ? Padding?