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AttribSys Vault

From Burnout Wiki
aka {{{othernames}}}
No Example
Resource names BurnoutGlobalData
Engine name, e.g. C5_EN
*Vehicle ID, e.g. PUSMC01
Type ID 0x1C
Category Generic
Main Memory only
Imports Unknown
Imported by Unknown
Vehicles only
Use Bundle Manager

AttribSys vault resources act as a database which holds attributes for vehicles, engines, surfaces and more. They are split into the vault, which holds information needed to access the data, and the bin, which holds the actual attribute data. Vaults work with the AttribSys schema found in the executable.




Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 uint8_t* mpau8VltData
0x4 0x4 uint32_t muVltSizeInBytes
0x8 0x4 uint8_t* mpau8BinData
0xC 0x4 uint32_t muBinSizeInBytes


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 uint8_t* mpau8VltData
0x8 0x4 uint32_t muVltSizeInBytes
0xC 0x4 Padding
0x10 0x8 uint8_t* mpau8BinData
0x18 0x4 uint32_t muBinSizeInBytes

Common substructures


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x2 uint16_t mAlloc Number of entries allocated
0x2 0x2 uint16_t mCount Number of entries used
0x4 0x2 uint16_t mSize The length of each entry
0x6 0x2 uint16_t mEncodedTypePad Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 Key mClassKey
0x8 0x8 Key mCollectionKey
0x10 0x4 Collection* mCollectionPtr Always nullptr in resource
0x14 0x4 Padding


A breakdown diagram of the Cavalry's vault.

The vault is a set of structures with ChunkBlocks which are read sequentially. In Burnout Paradise, these are:

  • Vers: The version
  • DepN: The dependency node
  • StrN: The start node
  • DatN: The data node
  • ExpN: The export node
  • PtrN: The pointer node


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 uint32_t mType A type ID similar in form to a magic number
0x4 0x4 uint32_t mSize The total size of the chunk



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 ChunkBlock Base class
0x8 0x8 uint64_t mVersion Version hash

Dependency node


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 ChunkBlock Base class
0x8 0x8 HashInt mCount Number of dependencies

This structure is immediately followed by the hashes of the dependency strings, then the offsets of the strings relative to the start of the first string, then the strings themselves.

Start node

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 ChunkBlock Base class

Size is 16 bytes, but the final 8 bytes is always null. This node appears to not be read by the game.

Data node

Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 ChunkBlock Base class

This is followed by several collections.

This node is not read directly. Pointers in other nodes read the data that lies in this node.


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 Key mKey
0x8 0x8 Key mClass
0x10 0x8 Key mParent
0x18 0x4 uint32_t mTableReserve Amount allocated for entries
0x1C 0x4 uint32_t mTableKeyShift
0x20 0x4 uint32_t mNumEntries Number of entries
0x24 0x2 uint16_t mNumTypes Number of types
0x26 0x2 uint16_t mTypesLen Amount allocated for types
0x28 0x4 void* mLayout Always nullptr in resource
0x2C 0x4 Padding

This is always followed by the types, then the entries.


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 Key mKey
0x8 0x4 void* mData
0xC 0x2 uint16_t mType
0xE 0x1 uint8_t mNodeFlags
0xF 0x1 uint8_t mEntryFlags

Export node


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 ChunkBlock Base class
0x8 0x8 HashInt mCount Number of exports

Followed by export entries of an amount defined by mCount.


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 ExportID mID
0x8 0x8 TypeID mType
0x10 0x4 uint32_t mDataBytes Size of the data node entry
0x14 0x4 uint32_t mDataOffset Offset of the entry in the data node Relative to vlt start

Pointer node


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 ChunkBlock Base class

Followed by several PtrRefs.


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 uint32_t mFixupOffset The offset at which to write the offset Relative to the beginning of the dependency.
The area pointed to is normally null and allocated specifically for this
0x4 0x2 uint16_t mPtrType Pointer type See type.
0x6 0x2 uint16_t mIndex Which dependency the value is relative to 0 is normally the vault
1 is normally the bin
0x8 0x8 anon_union_0 field_3 Value


Length Type Name Description Comments
0x8 ExportID mExportID
0x8 HashInt mOffset


Information from Need for Speed ProStreet (RU PS2).

Name Value Comments
PtrEnd 0 End of the pointer node
PtrNull 1
PtrSetFixupTarget 2 Via its index, marks which dependency the fixup pointers in following PtrRefs are relative to
PtrDepRelative 3 Relative to the beginning of the dependency
PtrExport 4


The bin is entirely made up of data. The individual structures within are pointed to by the vault.

In Burnout Paradise, there is one ChunkBlock at the beginning of the bin, StrE (string exports), which contains a list of null-terminated strings. Each individual string is pointed to by the vault. The ChunkBlock itself is not read and likely only exists as a byproduct of how the AttribSys is created.


The fields and order are defined by the AttribSys schema.

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