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Vehicle List/NFS Most Wanted

From Burnout Wiki
Revision as of 21:35, 28 December 2022 by Burninrubber0 (talk | contribs) (Linked UniqueId.)
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Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 int32_t miVersionNumber Version number 1017
0x4 0x4 uint32_t muNumVehicles Number of vehicles
0x8 0x4 uint32_t muNumManufacturers Number of manufacturers
0xC 0x4 VehicleListEntry* mpEntries Vehicles
0x10 0x4 ManufacturerListEntry* mpManufacturerEntries Manufacturers
0x14 0xC uint32_t[3] mu12BytePad padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 UniqueId mId Vehicle ID
0x4 0x4 UniqueId mNameId Vehicle name Language ID
0x8 0x4 UniqueId mDescriptionId Vehicle description Language ID
0xC 0x4 UniqueId mShortNameId Vehicle short name Language ID
0x10 0x4 UniqueId mManufacturerId Manufacturer ID
0x14 0x4 UniqueId mCategoryId Category ID GenesysObject ID
0x18 0x4 UniqueId mSelectionImageId Vehicle image Raster ID
0x1C 0x4 UniqueId mOnlineSelectionImageId Online selection image Raster ID
0x20 0x4 UniqueId mNameImageId Vehicle name image Raster ID
0x24 0x4 UniqueId mCarSelectSoundId Car select sound Wave ID
0x28 0x4 UniqueId mGamePackId DLC pack ID
0x2C 0x4 UniqueId mPerformanceUpgradesId Performance upgrades ID GenesysObject ID
0x30 0x4 UniqueId mPaintPackGroupId ID of the paint pack group attached
0x34 0x4 float32_t mfRealWorldTopSpeedMph Real World Top Speed in MPH
0x38 0x4 float32_t mfHandlingTopSpeedMph Top Speed (Handling) Hot Pursuit leftover, unused
0x3C 0x4 float32_t mfAcceleration 0-60 Acceleration in MPH
0x40 0x4 int32_t miPrice Vehicle price
0x44 0x4 int32_t miPower Vehicle power
0x48 0x4 float32_t mfRolloutAcceleration Rollout acceleration
0x4C 0x4 float32_t mfRolloutTopSpeed Rollout top speed
0x50 0x4 float32_t mfRolloutControl Rollout control
0x54 0x4 float32_t mfRolloutStrength Rollout strength
0x58 0x4 float32_t mfRolloutOffroad Rollout offroad
0x5C 0x4 float32_t mfRolloutDrift Rollout drift
0x60 0x4 float32_t mfRolloutNitrous Rollout nitrous
0x64 0x4 int32_t mxFlags Vehicle flags See VehicleFlag
0x68 0x2 int16_t miTier Vehicle tier Hot Pursuit leftover, unused
0x6A 0x2 uint16_t muPowerRPM Vehicle RPM at given power
0x6C 0x2 int16_t miYear Vehicle year
0x6E 0x2 padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 UniqueId mId Manufacturer ID
0x4 0x4 UniqueId mNameStringId Manufacturer name Language ID
0x8 0x4 UniqueId mCountryId Country ID See country
0xC 0x4 UniqueId mSelectionImageId Manufacturer image Raster ID
0x10 0x4 UniqueId mMovieId Car select movie Movie file name



Name Value Comments

ID reference


Associated with language ID via proxy ID.

ID Language ID String
126424 126431 FRANCE
126425 126432 GERMANY
126426 126433 ITALY
126427 126434 JAPAN
126428 126435 SWEDEN
126429 126436 UNITED KINGDOM
126430 126437 UNITED STATES
1551653 1551654 RUSSIA
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