Traffic Data

From Burnout Wiki
aka {{{othernames}}}
No Example
Resource names BaseTraffic
Type ID 0x10002
Category Game-specific
(Burnout Paradise)
Main Memory only
Imports Unknown
Imported by Unknown

Previous versions
Information on the traffic resource versions used in prior retail versions of Burnout Paradise.

The traffic resource contains all sections and information related to traffic patterns, including position, direction, flow, speed, parked vehicles, and lights. Because events are tied to traffic lights, this resource is linked to the progression resource.




Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x1 uint8_t muDataVersion 45
0x1 0x1 Padding
0x2 0x2 uint16_t muNumHulls
0x4 0x4 uint32_t muSizeInBytes
0x8 0x4 Pvs* mpPvs
0xC 0x4 Hull** mpapHulls
0x10 0x4 FlowType** mpapFlowTypes
0x14 0x2 uint16_t muNumFlowTypes
0x16 0x2 uint16_t muNumVehicleTypes
0x18 0x1 uint8_t muNumVehicleAssets
0x19 0x1 uint8_t muNumVehicleTraits
0x1A 0x2 uint16_t muNumKillZones
0x1C 0x2 uint16_t muNumKillZoneRegions
0x1E 0x2 Padding
0x20 0x4 KillZoneId* mpaKillZoneIds KillZone GameDB IDs
0x24 0x4 KillZone* mpaKillZones
0x28 0x4 KillZoneRegion* mpaKillZoneRegions
0x2C 0x4 VehicleTypeData* mpaVehicleTypes
0x30 0x4 VehicleTypeUpdateData* mpaVehicleTypesUpdate
0x34 0x4 VehicleAsset* mpaVehicleAssets
0x38 0x4 VehicleTraits* mpaVehicleTraits
0x3C 0x12C TrafficLightCollection mTrafficLights
0x168 0x1 uint8_t muNumPaintColours
0x169 0x3 Padding
0x16C 0x4 Vector4* mpaPaintColours


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x1 uint8_t muDataVersion 45
0x1 0x1 Padding
0x2 0x2 uint16_t muNumHulls
0x4 0x4 uint32_t muSizeInBytes
0x8 0x8 Pvs* mpPvs
0x10 0x8 Hull** mpapHulls
0x18 0x8 FlowType** mpapFlowTypes
0x20 0x2 uint16_t muNumFlowTypes
0x22 0x2 uint16_t muNumVehicleTypes
0x24 0x1 uint8_t muNumVehicleAssets
0x25 0x1 uint8_t muNumVehicleTraits
0x26 0x2 uint16_t muNumKillZones
0x28 0x2 uint16_t muNumKillZoneRegions
0x2A 0x6 Padding
0x30 0x8 KillZoneId* mpaKillZoneIds KillZone GameDB IDs
0x38 0x8 KillZone* mpaKillZones
0x40 0x8 KillZoneRegion* mpaKillZoneRegions
0x48 0x8 VehicleTypeData* mpaVehicleTypes
0x50 0x8 VehicleTypeUpdateData* mpaVehicleTypesUpdate
0x58 0x8 VehicleAsset* mpaVehicleAssets
0x60 0x8 VehicleTraits* mpaVehicleTraits
0x68 0x150 TrafficLightCollection mTrafficLights
0x1B8 0x1 uint8_t muNumPaintColours
0x1B9 0x7 Padding
0x1C0 0x8 Vector4* mpaPaintColours



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x10 Vector3 mGridMin
0x10 0x10 Vector3 mCellSize
0x20 0x10 Vector3 mRecipCellSize
0x30 0x4 uint32_t muNumCells_X
0x34 0x4 uint32_t muNumCells_Z
0x38 0x4 uint32_t muNumCells
0x3C 0x4 Set<uint16_t, 8>* mpaHullPvs


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x10 Vector3 mGridMin
0x10 0x10 Vector3 mCellSize
0x20 0x10 Vector3 mRecipCellSize
0x30 0x4 uint32_t muNumCells_X
0x34 0x4 uint32_t muNumCells_Z
0x38 0x4 uint32_t muNumCells
0x3C 0x4 Padding
0x40 0x8 Set<uint16_t, 8>* mpaHullPvs



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x1 uint8_t muNumSections
0x1 0x1 uint8_t muNumSectionSpans
0x2 0x1 uint8_t muNumJunctions
0x3 0x1 uint8_t muNumStoplines
0x4 0x1 uint8_t muNumNeighbours
0x5 0x1 uint8_t muNumStaticTraffic
0x6 0x1 uint8_t muNumVehicleAssets
0x7 0x1 Padding
0x8 0x2 uint16_t muNumRungs
0xA 0x2 uint16_t muFirstTrafficLight
0xC 0x2 uint16_t muLastTrafficLight
0xE 0x1 uint8_t muNumLightTriggers
0xF 0x1 uint8_t muNumLightTriggersStartData
0x10 0x4 Section* mpaSections
0x14 0x4 LaneRung* mpaRungs
0x18 0x4 float32_t* mpafCumulativeRungLengths
0x1C 0x4 Neighbour* mpaNeighbourData
0x20 0x4 SectionSpan* mpaSectionSpans
0x24 0x4 StaticTrafficVehicle* mpaStaticTrafficVehicles
0x28 0x4 SectionFlow* mpaSectionFlows
0x2C 0x4 JunctionLogicBox* mpaJunctions
0x30 0x4 StopLine* mpaStopLines
0x34 0x4 LightTrigger* mpaLightTriggers
0x38 0x4 LightTriggerStartData* mpaLightTriggerStartData
0x3C 0x4 uint8_t* mpaLightTriggerJunctionLookup
0x40 0x10 uint8_t[16] mauVehicleAssets


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x1 uint8_t muNumSections
0x1 0x1 uint8_t muNumSectionSpans
0x2 0x1 uint8_t muNumJunctions
0x3 0x1 uint8_t muNumStoplines
0x4 0x1 uint8_t muNumNeighbours
0x5 0x1 uint8_t muNumStaticTraffic
0x6 0x1 uint8_t muNumVehicleAssets
0x7 0x1 Padding
0x8 0x2 uint16_t muNumRungs
0xA 0x2 uint16_t muFirstTrafficLight
0xC 0x2 uint16_t muLastTrafficLight
0xE 0x1 uint8_t muNumLightTriggers
0xF 0x1 uint8_t muNumLightTriggersStartData
0x10 0x8 Section* mpaSections
0x18 0x8 LaneRung* mpaRungs
0x20 0x8 float32_t* mpafCumulativeRungLengths
0x28 0x8 Neighbour* mpaNeighbourData
0x30 0x8 SectionSpan* mpaSectionSpans
0x38 0x8 StaticTrafficVehicle* mpaStaticTrafficVehicles
0x40 0x8 SectionFlow* mpaSectionFlows
0x48 0x8 JunctionLogicBox* mpaJunctions
0x50 0x8 StopLine* mpaStopLines
0x58 0x8 LightTrigger* mpaLightTriggers
0x60 0x8 LightTriggerStartData* mpaLightTriggerStartData
0x68 0x8 uint8_t* mpaLightTriggerJunctionLookup
0x70 0x10 uint8_t[16] mauVehicleAssets


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 uint32_t muRungOffset
0x4 0x1 uint8_t muNumRungs
0x5 0x1 uint8_t muStopLineOffset
0x6 0x1 uint8_t muNumStopLines
0x7 0x1 uint8_t muSpanIndex
0x8 0x6 uint16_t[3] mauForwardHulls
0xE 0x6 uint16_t[3] mauBackwardHulls
0x14 0x3 uint8_t[3] mauForwardSections
0x17 0x3 uint8_t[3] mauBackwardSections
0x1A 0x1 uint8_t muTurnLeftProb
0x1B 0x1 uint8_t muTurnRightProb
0x1C 0x2 uint16_t muNeighbourOffset
0x1E 0x1 uint8_t muLeftNeighbourCount
0x1F 0x1 uint8_t muRightNeighbourCount
0x20 0x1 uint8_t muChangeLeftProb
0x21 0x1 uint8_t muChangeRightProb
0x22 0x2 Padding
0x24 0x4 float32_t mfSpeed
0x28 0x4 float32_t mfLength
0x2C 0x4 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x20 Vector3[2] maPoints


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x1 uint8_t muSection
0x1 0x1 uint8_t muSharedLength
0x2 0x1 uint8_t muOurStartRung
0x3 0x1 uint8_t muTheirStartRung


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x2 uint16_t muMaxVehicles
0x2 0x2 Padding
0x4 0x4 float32_t mfMaxVehicleRecip


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x40 Matrix44Affine mTransform
0x40 0x2 uint16_t mFlowTypeID
0x42 0x1 uint8_t mExistsAtAllChance
0x43 0x1 uint8_t muFlags
0x44 0xC Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x2 uint16_t muFlowTypeId
0x2 0x2 uint16_t muVehiclesPerMinute


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 uint32_t muID
0x4 0x20 uint16_t[16] mauStateTimings
0x24 0x10 uint8_t[16] mauStoppedLightStates
0x34 0x1 uint8_t muNumStates
0x35 0x1 uint8_t muNumLights
0x36 0x2 Padding
0x38 0x4 uint32_t muEventJunctionID
0x3C 0x4 int32_t miOfflineStartDataIndex
0x40 0x4 int32_t miOnlineStartDataIndex
0x44 0x4 int32_t miBikeStartDataIndex
0x48 0xc0 TrafficLightController[8] maTrafficLightControllers
0x108 0x8 Padding
0x110 0x10 Vector3 mPosition


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 uint16_t[2] mauTrafficLightIds
0x4 0x6 uint8_t[6] mauStopLineIds
0xA 0xC uint16_t[6] mauStopLineHulls
0x16 0x1 uint8_t muNumStopLines
0x17 0x1 uint8_t muNumTrafficLights


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x2 uint16_t muParamFixed


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x10 Vector3 mDimensions
0x10 0x10 Vector3Plus mPosPlusYRot


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x80 Vector3[8] maStartingPositions
0x80 0x80 Vector3[8] maStartingDirections
0x100 0x80 CgsID[16] maDestinationIDs
0x180 0x10 uint8_t[16] maeDestinationDifficulties
0x190 0x1 uint8_t muNumStartingPositions
0x191 0x1 uint8_t muNumDestinations
0x192 0x1 uint8_t muNumLanes
0x193 0xD



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 uint16_t* mpauVehicleTypeIds
0x4 0x4 uint8_t* mpauCumulativeProb
0x8 0x1 uint8_t muNumVehicleTypes
0x9 0x3 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 uint16_t* mpauVehicleTypeIds
0x8 0x8 uint8_t* mpauCumulativeProb
0x10 0x1 uint8_t muNumVehicleTypes
0x11 0x7 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x2 uint16_t muOffset
0x2 0x1 uint8_t muCount
0x3 0x1 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x2 uint16_t muHull
0x2 0x1 uint8_t muSection
0x3 0x1 uint8_t muStartRung
0x4 0x1 uint8_t muEndRung
0x5 0x1 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x2 uint16_t muTrailerFlowTypeId
0x2 0x1 uint8_t mxVehicleFlags Always null
0x3 0x1 uint8_t muVehicleClass See VehicleClass
0x4 0x1 uint8_t muInitialDirt Always null
0x5 0x1 uint8_t muAssetId Vehicle index
0x6 0x1 uint8_t muTraitsId Traits index
0x7 0x1 Padding


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 float32_t mfWheelRadius
0x4 0x4 float32_t mfSuspensionRoll
0x8 0x4 float32_t mfSuspensionPitch
0xC 0x4 float32_t mfSuspensionTravel
0x10 0x4 float32_t mfMass


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x8 CgsID mVehicleId


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x4 float32_t mfSwervingAmountModifier
0x4 0x4 float32_t mfAcceleration
0x8 0x1 uint8_t muCuttingUpChance
0x9 0x1 uint8_t muTailgatingChance
0xA 0x1 uint8_t muPatience
0xB 0x1 uint8_t muTantrumAttackCumProb
0xC 0x1 uint8_t muTantrumStopCumProb
0xD 0x3 Padding



Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x2 uint16_t muNumTrafficLights
0x2 0x2 uint16_t muNumTrafficLightTypes
0x4 0x2 uint16_t muNumCoronas
0x6 0x2 Padding
0x8 0x4 Vector3Plus* mpaPosAndYRotations
0xC 0x4 uint32_t* mpaInstanceIDs
0x10 0x4 uint8_t* mpauInstanceTypes
0x14 0x4 TrafficLightType* mpaTrafficLightTypes
0x18 0x4 uint8_t* mpaCoronaTypes
0x1C 0x4 Vector3* mpaCoronaPositions
0x20 0x102 uint16_t[129] mauInstanceHashOffsets
0x122 0x2 Padding
0x124 0x4 uint32_t* mpauInstanceHashTable
0x128 0x4 uint16_t* mpauInstanceHashToIndexLookup


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x2 uint16_t muNumTrafficLights
0x2 0x2 uint16_t muNumTrafficLightTypes
0x4 0x2 uint16_t muNumCoronas
0x6 0x2 Padding
0x8 0x8 Vector3Plus* mpaPosAndYRotations
0x10 0x8 uint32_t* mpaInstanceIDs
0x18 0x8 uint8_t* mpauInstanceTypes
0x20 0x8 TrafficLightType* mpaTrafficLightTypes
0x28 0x8 uint8_t* mpaCoronaTypes
0x30 0x8 Vector3* mpaCoronaPositions
0x38 0x102 uint16_t[129] mauInstanceHashOffsets
0x13A 0x6 Padding
0x140 0x8 uint32_t* mpauInstanceHashTable
0x148 0x8 uint16_t* mpauInstanceHashToIndexLookup


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x1 uint8_t muCoronaOffset
0x1 0x1 uint8_t muNumCoronas



Name Type Length Comments
KillZoneId uint64_t 0x8 GameDB ID



Name Value Comments