mBoundingBoxBottomAdjust |
mAcceleratorMultiplier |
How hard do we need to press the accelerator? Higher number means lower pressure for full acceleration |
mChangeDownRPM |
RPM at which to shift down gears |
mChangeUpRPM |
RPM at which to shift up gears |
mCoeffOfFriction |
Friction |
mCoeffOfRestitutionWithWorld |
Restitution? |
mDownForceCoeff |
How much we stick to the ground |
mDragCoeff |
Wind resistance |
mEngineFrictionTorque |
??? |
mEngineIdleRPM |
Idle speed |
mEngineMaxRPM |
Red line |
mEngineMomentOfInertia |
How quickly the engine will accelerate/slow down |
mEngineBrakingFactor |
Amount of engine braking |
mForceApplyHeightBrake |
Amount of front/back body roll during braking - more negative = more roll |
mForceApplyHeightAccel |
Amount of front/back body roll during acceleration |
mForceApplyHeightSteering |
Amount of body roll during normal steering |
mForceApplyHeightDrifting |
Amount of body roll during steering |
mSteeringAngleMin |
Maximum steering angle at high velocity |
mSteeringAngleMax |
Maximum steering angle at low velocity |
mSteeringAngleMinVelocity |
High velocity for above steering angle - meters/sec |
mSteeringAngleMaxVelocity |
Low velocity for above steering angle - meters/sec |
mSteeringResponse |
Amount that steering can change in 1 frame - low values = sluggish repsonse, max value = 2.0 |
mSteeringDragCoeff |
Amount of decelleration due to steering - the higher the number, the more speed you lose |
mBrakingFactor |
How strong the brakes are |
mSinDriftMaxAngle |
Sine of maximum drift angle (eg 45 degrees = 0.707, 30 degrees = 0.5) |
mDriftScaleMin |
How "slippy" a "no accelerator" drift is |
mDriftScaleMax |
How "slippy" a "max accelerator" drift is |
mDriftMaxAngularMomentumAt60 |
How fast drifts turn at 60mph |
mDriftMaxAngularMomentumAt110 |
How fast drifts turn at 110mph |
mAutoDriftDelay |
How easily the car autodrifts |
mDriftTurnRate |
How responsive the drift is to steering |
mDriftMinSpeed |
Slowest speed at which drifting is possible (MPH) |
mDriftMaxSpeedPressure |
Pressure required on brakes at maximum speed (130MPH) to trigger a drift (less than 1.0) |
mWallCollisionPenalty |
How much speed to retain after a wall collision - smaller number = slower speed after collision |
mLowSpeedDrivingModelThreshold |
mLowSpeedDrivingModelThreshold is in miles per hour |
mLowSpeedSteeringAngleMax |
how much you can steer during low-speed driving model |
mLowSpeedTorqueFactor1 |
two factors to fiddle with that affect how quickly the LSDM lets the car acclerate |
mLowSpeedTorqueFactor2 |
mFrontDist |
How far from the middle of the car is the fron axle? |
mRearDist |
...and the rear axle |
Gear ratios
mGearRatioFinal |
mGearRatioReverse |
mGearRatios[0] |
mGearRatios[1] |
mGearRatios[2] |
mGearRatios[3] |
mGearRatios[4] |
mGearRatios[5] |
mGearRatios[6] |
mGravityCarDown |
mGravityDown |
mSprings[0].mCarJoinPosLocal.y |
mSprings[0].mNaturalLength |
mSprings[0].mConstant |
mSprings[0].mDamping |
mSprings[1].mCarJoinPosLocal.y |
mSprings[1].mNaturalLength |
mSprings[1].mConstant |
mSprings[1].mDamping |
mSprings[2].mCarJoinPosLocal.y |
mSprings[2].mNaturalLength |
mSprings[2].mConstant |
mSprings[2].mDamping |
mSprings[3].mCarJoinPosLocal.y |
mSprings[3].mNaturalLength |
mSprings[3].mConstant |
mSprings[3].mDamping |
mTempEngineTorque |
Engine torque |
Mass of car
mMass |
mRealMass |
Inertia tensor
mInverseInertiaTensorLocal.a |
mInverseInertiaTensorLocal.e |
mInverseInertiaTensorLocal.i |
mBoostMaxSpeed |
Max speed during Boost in MPH |
mBoostCameraMovementForwards |
Camera movement during boost |
mBoostCameraMovementUpwards |