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Common Data Types: Difference between revisions

wow this page was kinda asstastic lol
(moving the GtTexture spec to its own page)
(wow this page was kinda asstastic lol)
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Data types used commonly by the pre-Paradise Burnout games.
= CGtMatrix3x4 =
= Shared data types =
=== GtV3d ===
A structure containing a vector of type <code>RwV3d</code>.
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| 0x00 || RightData || Vector3RwV3d
=== GtLine ===
A structure comprised of two vectors, used to represent a line in 3D space.
| 0x10 || Up || Vector3
| 0x200x00 || AtStart point || Vector3GtV3d
| 0x300x10 || PositionEnd point || Vector3GtV3d
=== CGtRGBGtMatrix3x4 ===
A structure comprised of four vectors.
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| 0x00 || Red additiveRight || floatGtV3d
| 0x040x10 || Green additiveUp || floatGtV3d
| 0x080x20 || Blue additiveAt || floatGtV3d
| 0x30 || Position || GtV3d
=== CGtV3dGtRGB ===
A structure comprised of three floats, each representing a primary additive of an RGB color.
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| 0x00 || DataRed additive || RwV3dfloat
| 0x04 || Green additive || float
| 0x08 || Blue additive || float
=== GtHash ===
<code>GtHash</code> is a 32-bit value storing the hash of a given string, generated via a custom hash function. These hashes are used by the Takedown-era games to identify and properly assign values within files such as the [[Value Database]].
=== GtID ===
<code>GtID</code> is a data type used in many Criterion games as an identifier for objects. It is an alias of the type <code>uint64_t</code> and is used to store a compressed ASCII string.
For example, the string <code>BURNOUT</code> would be represented by the GtID <code>6226094955724800000</code>.
= RenderWare data types =
{{todo|Move this section to its own page eventually, as these types originate from the RenderWare engine itself as opposed to any external codebases.}}
=== RwV3d ===
A structure comprised of three floats, mainly used to represent the location of a point in 3D space.
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| 0x00 || X value || float
| 0x04 || Y value || float
| 0x08 || Z value || float
| 0x0C || Padding || word
=== RwBBox ===
A structure defining the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infimum_and_supremum| supremum and infimum] vertices of a bounding box.
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