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Common Data Types: Difference between revisions

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= GtRGBCGtMatrix3x4 =
Line 6:
| 0x00 || Red additiveRight || floatVector3
| 0x040x10 || Green additiveUp || floatVector3
| 0x080x20 || Blue additiveAt || floatVector3
| 0x30 || Position || Vector3
= Matrix3x4CGtRGB =
Line 21 ⟶ 22:
| 0x00 || RightRed additive || Vector3float
| 0x100x04 || UpGreen additive || Vector3float
| 0x200x08 || AtBlue additive || Vector3float
| 0x30 || Position || Vector3
= CGtTexture =
= GtTexture/RwRaster =
'''Textures''' on the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable Burnout games are of type <code>CGtTexture</code> and stored as uncompressed bitmaps, with CLUT4 (16-color) and CLUT8 (256-color) palettes.
Line 94:
= GtV3dCGtV3d =
Line 127:
| 0x00 || Supremum valuevertex || RwV3d
| 0x10 || Infimum valuevertex || RwV3d
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