Shader Program Buffer

From Burnout Wiki
aka PixelShader, VertexShader, and ShaderProgramState
No Example
Resource names Unknown
Type ID 0x12
Category Generic
Shader in Main Memory
Buffer in secondary
Buffer in Graphics System (PS3)
Imports Unknown
Imported by Shader Technique

The shader program buffer, as the name suggests, describes a buffer for compiled shaders. Shaders are platform-specific and their formats vary greatly, and differences between pixel shaders and vertex shaders double this diversity. This makes documenting the formats extremely challenging; as such, they will most likely remain minimally documented here.

PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3
Information on the Shader Program Buffer used on PlayStation 3.

PlayStation 3 uses shaders compiled with NVIDIA's Cg compiler. As such, it uses Cg structures as the basis for its format, though Criterion adds certain features on top of this. The secondary resource portion (present only in pixel shaders) is always sized the same as the shader program and is used as a buffer. See NVIDIA's reference manual or the SCE PS3 SDK for more information.

Xbox 360, PC

For information on Xbox 360 and PC shaders, see Microsoft's documentation of ps_3_0 and vs_3_0. Note that PC shaders are compiled at runtime from source code contained in Shader resources using Microsoft HLSL 9.2; they are cached in %LOCALAPPDATA%/Criterion Games/Burnout Paradise/ShaderCache.


PC (Remastered) and PlayStation 4 shaders were compiled with Microsoft HLSL 10.1. The format appears identical on both platforms; this is likely true on Xbox One as well. See Tim Jones' blog post on parsing the DXBC format for more information. Note that because PC hardware configurations differ, the compiled shaders that ship with PC (Remastered) are optimized at runtime; these are not cached.

Nintendo Switch shaders use a proprietary NVIDIA format. In addition to the compiled shader, their buffers contain what appears to be complete (albeit uncommented) uncompiled assembly code for the shader, if not the source code itself. There is further uncompiled shader code in the executable.