Common Data Types (Burnout Paradise)

From Burnout Wiki
Revision as of 22:10, 2 November 2021 by Burninrubber0 (talk | contribs) (Vectors and matrices.)

Some of the more commonly seen data types in Burnout Paradise. This list is WIP.


A Set or Array, sometimes called CgsSet and CgsArray, is a contiguous series of elements of a specified data type, followed by the number of elements in use. If the elements are 64 bits long, the element count will usually (but not always) be succeeded by 4 bytes of padding; otherwise, it will have no padding.

Though technically separate, Set and Array have the same structure.

As an example, the below is the structure of Set<uint16_t, 8>.

Offset Size Type Name Description
0x0 0x10 uint16_t[8] maElements The elements in the array
0x10 0x4 uint32_t muLength The number of elements in use
0x14 0x4 padding


As the name would suggest, a BitArray, sometimes called CgsBitArray, is an array of bits. Unlike an Array, the element count is not part of the structure, making it hardcoded.

Note that a BitArray is stored as a series of uint64_t. This can be confusing if the data is in little endian byte order. Due to this, every BitArray, even when below 64 bits in length, is padded to 64 bits.

The below is the structure of BitArray<200>. Notice how even though the bits only take up 0x19 bytes, 0x20 bytes are allocated.

Offset Size Type Name Description
0x0 0x20 uint64_t[4] maxBits The elements in the array


A CgsID is a typedef of uint64_t which is heavily used across the game. Its original intent appears to be as a new moniker for GtID, Criterion's in-house compressed string type, and it sees extensive use in this role. However, at times, it is also used to store the IDs colloquially referred to as GameDB IDs. Conversely, GameDB IDs are not always stored as a CgsID, commonly being a normal uint64_t or uint32_t instead.

Name Type Size
CgsID uint64_t 0x8


Vectors in Burnout Paradise are structures made up of floats. They are primarily used for positional values but have been used in other cases, such as colors and gear ratios. Though a number of types besides floats are technically supported, they are seemingly never used.

The below structures represent the data held, but many vectors use the VectorIntrinsic type, causing them to be 0x10 long regardless of their structure.


Name Type Size
VectorIntrinsic float[4] 0x10


Offset Size Type Name Description
0x0 0x4 float x X value
0x4 0x4 float y Y value


Offset Size Type Name Description
0x0 0x4 float x X value
0x4 0x4 float y Y value
0x8 0x4 float z Z value


Offset Size Type Name Description
0x0 0x4 float x X value
0x4 0x4 float y Y value
0x8 0x4 float z Z value
0xC 0x4 float w W value


Matrices are structures made up of vectors. They see similar use to vectors but are three-dimensional rather than planar.


Offset Size Type Name Description
0x0 0x10 Vector3 xAxis X axis
0x10 0x10 Vector3 yAxis Y axis
0x20 0x10 Vector3 zAxis Z axis


Offset Size Type Name Description
0x0 0x10 Vector4 xAxis X axis
0x10 0x10 Vector4 yAxis Y axis
0x20 0x10 Vector4 zAxis Z axis
0x30 0x10 Vector4 wAxis W axis


Offset Size Type Name Description
0x0 0x10 Vector3 xAxis X axis
0x10 0x10 Vector3 yAxis Y axis
0x20 0x10 Vector3 zAxis Z axis
0x30 0x10 Vector3 wAxis W axis


Offset Size Type Name Description
0x0 0x10 Vector4 xAxis X axis
0x10 0x10 Vector4 yAxis Y axis
0x20 0x10 Vector4 zAxis Z axis


Criterion used several hash formats, including HashInt/TypeID (AttribSys), ID (Bundle), and CgsSound::PlayBack::Hash (Registry). Todo.