Apt Data/Actions
< Apt Data
Name | Value | Description |
AptActionInvalid | -1 | |
AptActionEnd | 0x00 | |
AptActionNextFrame | 0x04 | |
AptActionPrevFrame | 0x05 | |
AptActionPlay | 0x06 | |
AptActionStop | 0x07 | |
AptActionToggleQuality | 0x08 | |
AptActionStopSounds | 0x09 | |
AptActionAdd | 0x0A | |
AptActionSubtract | 0x0B | |
AptActionMultiply | 0x0C | |
AptActionDivide | 0x0D | |
AptActionEquals | 0x0E | |
AptActionLessThan | 0x0F | |
AptActionAnd | 0x10 | |
AptActionOr | 0x11 | |
AptActionNot | 0x12 | |
AptActionStringEquals | 0x13 | |
AptActionStringLength | 0x14 | |
AptActionSubString | 0x15 | |
AptActionPop | 0x17 | |
AptActionToInteger | 0x18 | |
AptActionGetVariable | 0x1C | |
AptActionSetVariable | 0x1D | |
AptActionSetTarget2 | 0x20 | |
AptActionStringAdd | 0x21 | |
AptActionGetProperty | 0x22 | |
AptActionSetProperty | 0x23 | |
AptActionCloneSprite | 0x24 | |
AptActionRemoveSprite | 0x25 | |
AptActionTrace | 0x26 | |
AptActionStartDragMovie | 0x27 | |
AptActionStopDragMovie | 0x28 | |
AptActionStringLessThan | 0x29 | |
AptActionThrow | 0x2A | |
AptActionCastOp | 0x2B | |
AptActionImplementsOp | 0x2C | |
AptActionRandom | 0x30 | |
AptActionMBLength | 0x31 | |
AptActionCharToAscii | 0x32 | |
AptActionAsciiToChar | 0x33 | |
AptActionGetTimer | 0x34 | |
AptActionMBSubString | 0x35 | |
AptActionMBCharToAscii | 0x36 | |
AptActionMBAsciiToChar | 0x37 | |
AptActionDelete | 0x3A | |
AptActionDelete2 | 0x3B | |
AptActionDefineLocal | 0x3C | |
AptActionCallFunction | 0x3D | |
AptActionReturn | 0x3E | |
AptActionModulo | 0x3F | |
AptActionNewObject | 0x40 | |
AptActionDefineLocal2 | 0x41 | |
AptActionInitArray | 0x42 | |
AptActionInitObject | 0x43 | |
AptActionTypeOf | 0x44 | |
AptActionTargetPath | 0x45 | |
AptActionEnumerate | 0x46 | |
AptActionAdd2 | 0x47 | |
AptActionLessThan2 | 0x48 | |
AptActionEquals2 | 0x49 | |
AptActionToNumber | 0x4A | |
AptActionToString | 0x4B | |
AptActionPushDuplicate | 0x4C | |
AptActionStackSwap | 0x4D | |
AptActionGetMember | 0x4E | |
AptActionSetMember | 0x4F | |
AptActionIncrement | 0x50 | |
AptActionDecrement | 0x51 | |
AptActionCallMethod | 0x52 | |
AptActionNewMethod | 0x53 | |
AptActionInstanceOf | 0x54 | |
AptActionEnumerate2 | 0x55 | |
AptActionPushThis | 0x56 | Push string 'this' |
AptActionPushGlobal | 0x58 | Push string '_global' |
AptActionPush0 | 0x59 | Pushes a byte of value 0 onto the stack |
AptActionPush1 | 0x5A | Pushes a byte of value 1 onto the stack |
AptActionCallFuncAndPop | 0x5B | Call function and pop |
AptActionCallFuncSetVar | 0x5C | Call function and set variable Special function: ASSetPropFlags |
AptActionCallMethodPop | 0x5D | Call method and pop.
AptActionCallMethodSetVar | 0x5E | Call method and set variable. |
AptActionBitAnd | 0x60 | |
AptActionBitOr | 0x61 | |
AptActionBitXor | 0x62 | |
AptActionBitLShift | 0x63 | |
AptActionBitRShift | 0x64 | |
AptActionBitURShift | 0x65 | |
AptActionStrictEquals | 0x66 | |
AptActionGreater | 0x67 | |
AptActionExtends | 0x69 | |
AptActionPushThisVariable | 0x70 | Pushes the current scope (object) onto the stack. |
AptActionPushGlobalVariable | 0x71 | Pushed the global object onto the stack. |
AptActionPushZeroSetVar | 0x72 | Effectively AptActionPush0 followed by a SetVariable action.
AptActionPushTrue | 0x73 | Pushes 'true' (Boolean) onto the stack. |
AptActionPushFalse | 0x74 | Pushes 'false' (Boolean) onto the stack. |
AptActionPushNULL | 0x75 | Pushes an object type with address 0 (NULL) onto the stack. |
AptActionPushUndefined | 0x76 | Pushes undefined (is its own value type) onto the stack. |
AptActionTraceStart | 0x77 | |
AptActionGotoFrame | 0x81 | |
AptActionGetUrl | 0x83 | |
AptActionStoreRegister | 0x87 | Store register. See AptAction_StoreRegister. |
AptActionDefineDictionary | 0x88 | |
AptActionWaitForFrame | 0x8A | |
AptActionSetTarget | 0x8B | |
AptActionGotoLabel | 0x8C | |
AptActionDefineFunction2 | 0x8E | |
AptActionTry | 0x8F | |
AptActionWith | 0x94 | |
AptActionPush | 0x96 | |
AptActionBranchAlways | 0x99 | |
AptActionGetUrl2 | 0x9A | |
AptActionDefineFunction | 0x9B | |
AptActionBranchIfTrue | 0x9D | |
AptActionCallFrame | 0x9E | |
AptActionGotoFrame2 | 0x9F | |
AptActionPushString | 0xA1 | Pushes the given string to the stack. See aligned structure AptAction_PushString. |
AptActionPushStringDictByte | 0xA2 | Gets the constant with the given ID (see the Apt constant chunk) and pushes its value onto the stack.. This action has a 1-byte (unsigned integer) constant ID field. |
AptActionPushStringDictWord | 0xA3 | Same as AptActionPushStringDictByte. This action has a 2-byte (unsigned integer) constant ID field. |
AptActionPushStringGetVar | 0xA4 | Gets the property with the given name from the current scope object, and pushes it onto the stack as an object. There are some special variable names:
See aligned structure AptAction_PushString. |
AptActionPushStringGetMember | 0xA5 |
See aligned structure AptAction_PushString. |
AptActionPushStringSetVar | 0xA6 |
See aligned structure AptAction_PushString. |
AptActionPushStringSetMember | 0xA7 |
See aligned structure AptAction_PushString. |
AptActionStringDictByteGetVar | 0xAE | Gets the string constant with the given ID (see the Apt constant chunk). This string is then used as the variable name in a process similar to EA_GetStringVariable. This action has a 1-byte (unsigned integer) constant ID field. |
AptActionStringDictByteGetMember | 0xAF | Gets the string constant with the given ID (see the Apt constant chunk). This string is then used as the member name in a process similar to EA_GetStringMember. This action has a 1-byte (unsigned integer) constant ID field. |
AptActionDictCallFuncPop | 0xB0 | This action has a 1-byte (unsigned integer) constant ID field.
AptActionDictCallFuncSetVar | 0xB1 | This action has a 1-byte (unsigned integer) constant ID field.
AptActionDictCallMethodPop | 0xB2 | This action has a 1-byte (unsigned integer) constant ID field.
AptActionDictCallMethodSetVar | 0xB3 | This action has a 1-byte (unsigned integer) constant ID field.
AptActionPushFloat | 0xB4 | Pushes the given float onto the stack. This action has a 4-byte float field. |
AptActionPushByte | 0xB5 | Pushes the given byte onto the stack. This action has a 1-byte unsigned integer field. |
AptActionPushWord | 0xB6 | Pushes the given word onto the stack. This action has a 2-byte unsigned integer field. |
AptActionPushDWord | 0xB7 | Pushes the given long onto the stack. This action has a 4-byte unsigned integer field. |
AptActionBranchIfFalse | 0xB8 | Does the same as action 0x9D (If), but checks if the condition is false rather than true. See AptAction_BranchAddress. May be aligned. |
AptActionPushRegister | 0xB9 | Push register. |
AptActionBreakpoint | 0xBA | |
LastAptAction | 0xBB |
Offset | Length | Type | Name | Description | Comments |
0x0 | 0x4 | char* | szStringToBePushed |
Offset | Length | Type | Name | Description | Comments |
0x0 | 0x8 | char* | szStringToBePushed |
Offset | Length | Type | Name | Description | Comments |
0x0 | 0x4 | int | nTargetDelta |
Offset | Length | Type | Name | Description | Comments |
0x0 | 0x4 | int | nRegister |