File list

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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description
16:10, 30 December 2020 Favicon.ico (file) 104 KB Escape209  
17:07, 30 December 2020 Bri-burnout-wiki-LOGO.svg (file) 8 KB Escape209  
19:13, 30 December 2020 Burnout-wiki-favicon.ico (file) 100 KB Escape209 Favicon ICO
09:36, 31 December 2020 B2-customcoupe-preview.png (file) 429 KB Escape209  
10:53, 3 January 2021 B1 sports coupe.png (file) 1.04 MB Escape209 Screenshot of the Sports Coupe from Burnout 1.
21:42, 13 January 2021 Wintercity1.jpg (file) 62 KB Houndeye07  
21:58, 13 January 2021 SportsType1FrontQuarter.png (file) 850 KB Houndeye07  
22:06, 13 January 2021 SportsType1RearQuarter.png (file) 771 KB Houndeye07  
22:33, 13 January 2021 Crash+BurnSports1.png (file) 474 KB Houndeye07  
22:50, 13 January 2021 JeuxActuSports1.jpg (file) 101 KB Houndeye07  
22:54, 13 January 2021 JeuxActuSports1No2.jpg (file) 90 KB Houndeye07  
22:55, 13 January 2021 ActionSports1.jpg (file) 238 KB Houndeye07  
23:06, 13 January 2021 UnusedB3Promo.jpg (file) 73 KB Houndeye07  
23:25, 13 January 2021 Sports1IGN.png (file) 640 KB Houndeye07  
23:26, 13 January 2021 Sports1PlayTV.png (file) 647 KB Houndeye07  
23:33, 13 January 2021 Sports1Grey.png (file) 733 KB Houndeye07  
23:38, 15 January 2021 B2MenuArt.jpg (file) 313 KB Houndeye07  
23:43, 15 January 2021 B2CCBigSurf2.jpg (file) 28 KB Houndeye07  
23:47, 15 January 2021 B2PromoArt1.jpg (file) 909 KB Houndeye07  
23:49, 15 January 2021 B2CCBigSurf.jpg (file) 22 KB Houndeye07  
11:56, 16 January 2021 B2NSTCJCover.jpg (file) 106 KB Escape209 Higher quality
19:34, 17 January 2021 BRevenge-0714 Menu.png (file) 303 KB AcuteSyntax Main menu of Burnout Revenge's Alpha 7 build.
19:39, 17 January 2021 Sports1JapDemo.png (file) 970 KB Houndeye07  
19:55, 17 January 2021 BLegends-GS DebugMenu.png (file) 596 KB AcuteSyntax Debug menu of Burnout Legends' 2005-06-06 build.
20:01, 17 January 2021 PrimaB3CCU2.png (file) 59 KB Houndeye07  
20:02, 17 January 2021 PrimaB3CCU1Solo.png (file) 53 KB Houndeye07  
20:04, 17 January 2021 PrimaB3CCU1Row1.png (file) 254 KB Houndeye07  
20:05, 17 January 2021 PrimaB3CCU1Row2.png (file) 256 KB Houndeye07  
01:55, 19 January 2021 CCUIconRev2.png (file) 10 KB Houndeye07  
01:56, 19 January 2021 Sports1IconRev4.png (file) 9 KB Houndeye07  
18:18, 19 January 2021 Burnout5Feb22TitleScreen.png (file) 1.83 MB AcuteSyntax Start screen of Burnout 5's 2007-02-22 build.
21:52, 19 January 2021 B3Demo-TitleScreen.png (file) 374 KB AcuteSyntax Start screen of Burnout 3's promo demo.
23:11, 19 January 2021 B3DemoDisc.png (file) 1.6 MB AcuteSyntax fixed cropping
20:36, 20 January 2021 B2ProtoDisc.png (file) 636 KB AcuteSyntax Disc of Burnout 2's 2002-08-31 build.
20:37, 20 January 2021 B2ProtoTitle.png (file) 1.36 MB AcuteSyntax  
01:12, 21 January 2021 CCUReviewFront.png (file) 833 KB Houndeye07  
01:14, 21 January 2021 CCUReviewRear.png (file) 840 KB Houndeye07  
05:32, 27 January 2021 B1SuperminiFront.png (file) 347 KB Lonely Wolf  
05:46, 27 January 2021 B1BetaSuperminiMagazineScan.png (file) 236 KB Lonely Wolf  
06:39, 27 January 2021 B1SuperminiRear.png (file) 506 KB Lonely Wolf  
06:58, 27 January 2021 SuperminiYellow.png (file) 314 KB Lonely Wolf  
16:17, 29 January 2021 B1NTSCCoverArt.jpg (file) 686 KB AcuteSyntax  
14:48, 5 March 2021 B3ReviewTitleScreen.png (file) 334 KB Houndeye07  
15:27, 5 March 2021 BRJulyWorldTourMenu.png (file) 505 KB Houndeye07  
15:30, 5 March 2021 BRJulyWTHighlight.png (file) 500 KB Houndeye07  
15:32, 5 March 2021 BRJulyRankUpArrow.png (file) 413 KB Houndeye07  
15:34, 5 March 2021 BRJulyOldMedal.png (file) 504 KB Houndeye07  
15:39, 5 March 2021 BRJulyPlaceholderCar.png (file) 567 KB Houndeye07  
15:42, 5 March 2021 BRJulyTrafficAttackStart.png (file) 408 KB Houndeye07  
15:43, 5 March 2021 BRJulyCrashbreakerCam.png (file) 430 KB Houndeye07  
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