Sound Bank

Revision as of 17:31, 19 January 2021 by AcuteSyntax (talk | contribs) (what a PITA of a file)
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An audio container format developed by Electronic Arts and used exclusively by Burnout's PlayStation Portable releases. It uses the extension .SDT.


Offset Length Type Description Details
0x00 0x04 UInt32 File magic (BNKl/0x424E4B6C)
0x08 0x04 UInt32 Header size in bytes
0x0C 0x04 UInt32 Archive size in bytes (minus header)
0x14 0x04 UInt32 Metadata pointer table size in bytes The pointer table itself also starts at this offset.
0x14 + (pointer table size) Variable UInt32 Audio metadata and offsets Audio offsets are stored in big-endian.