Renderable/Xbox 360: Difference between revisions

Update DrawIndexedParameters with more accurate information.
(Update DrawIndexedParameters with more accurate information.)
Line 48:
=== DrawIndexedParameters ===
The parameters passed to <code>DrawIndexedVertices()</code>.
{| class="wikitable"
! Offset !! Length !! Type !! Name !! Description !! Comments
| 0x0 || 0x4 || uint32_t || ?PrimitiveType || PrimitiveThe type of primitive to render. || See [[#D3DPRIMITIVETYPE|D3DPRIMITIVETYPE]]
| 0x4 || 0x4 || int32_t || ?BaseVertexIndex || BaseValue vertexadded to every index after it's retrieved from the index buffer. ||
| 0x8 || 0x4 || uint32_t || ?StartIndex || StartLocation in the index array to start reading vertices. ||
| 0xC || 0x4 || uint32_t || ?IndexCount || Number of indices to render. ||