Profile/Burnout Paradise/Progression Profile: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
(Added Xbox 360 Profile structure and added missing section link.)
(Added PC Profile structure.)
Line 36:
| 0x72 || 0x1 || int8_t || mi8PowerParkingBetweenOtherPlayersBestRating || Power Parking between players record || Not displayed in the final game
| 0x73 || 0x1 || || || paddingPadding ||
| 0x74 || 0x4 || uint32_t || muBestNewBurnoutChainScore || Burnout chain record ||
Line 134:
| 0x1B868 || 0x1 || bool || mbPlayerLicencePictureIsValid || Tracks whether the license picture is present ||
| 0x1B869 || 0x7 || || || paddingPadding ||
| 0x1B870 || 0x20F8 || [[CgsArray|Array]]<[[#BrnProgression::MugshotInfo|MugshotInfo]], 30>[5] || maaMugshotInfo || Information on saved mugshots ||
Line 237:
| 0x72 || 0x1 || int8_t || mi8PowerParkingBetweenOtherPlayersBestRating || Power Parking between players record || Not displayed in the final game
| 0x73 || 0x1 || || || paddingPadding ||
| 0x74 || 0x4 || uint32_t || muBestNewBurnoutChainScore || Burnout chain record ||
Line 335:
| 0x1B668 || 0x1 || bool || mbPlayerLicencePictureIsValid || Tracks whether the license picture is present ||
| 0x1B669 || 0x7 || || || paddingPadding ||
| 0x1B670 || 0x1608 || [[CgsArray|Array]]<[[#BrnProgression::MugshotInfo|MugshotInfo]], 20>[5] || maaMugshotInfo || Information on saved mugshots ||
Line 419:
| 0x14 || 0x4 || || || Padding ||
==== PC ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Offset !! Length !! Type !! Name !! Description !! Comments
| 0x0 || 0x4 || int32_t || miVersionNumber || Version number of the Profile structure || 28
| 0x4 || 0x20 || char[32] || macName || Player-chosen profile name || Unused in the final game
| 0x24 || 0xC || || || Padding ||
| 0x30 || 0x10 || [[Vector3]] || mCarPosition || Spawn position of the player vehicle || Unused in the final game
| 0x40 || 0x10 || [[Vector3]] || mCarDirection || Spawn direction of the player vehicle || Unused in the final game
| 0x50 || 0x8 || [[CgsID]] || mSpawnCarId || The vehicle the player spawns in || Deprecated in V1.3
| 0x58 || 0x8 || [[CgsID]] || mSpawnWheelId || The wheel the player vehicle spawns with || Unused in the final game
| 0x60 || 0x4 || uint32_t || muTimeStampOfLastRoadRulesDownload || ||
| 0x64 || 0x4 || float32_t || mfDistanceDrivenOnline || Distance driven online in cars (meters) || Subject to [[../#Time_and_distance_limitations|distance limitations]]
| 0x68 || 0x4 || float32_t || mfDistanceDrivenOffline || Distance driven offline in cars (meters) || Subject to [[../#Time_and_distance_limitations|distance limitations]]
| 0x6C || 0x4 || float32_t || mfInCarTimePlayed || Total time spent driving || Subject to [[../#Time_and_distance_limitations|time limitations]]
| 0x70 || 0x1 || int8_t || mi8CurrentProgressionRank || Current license of the player || See [[#Progression rank|ranks]]
| 0x71 || 0x1 || int8_t || mi8PowerParkingBestRating || Power Parking record ||
| 0x72 || 0x1 || int8_t || mi8PowerParkingBetweenOtherPlayersBestRating || Power Parking between players record || Not displayed in the final game
| 0x73 || 0x1 || || || Padding ||
| 0x74 || 0x4 || uint32_t || muBestNewBurnoutChainScore || Burnout chain record ||
| 0x78 || 0x44 || int32_t[17] || maGameModeTypeAmount || Number of events present, per type || See [[#BrnGameState::GameStateModuleIO::EGameModeType|EGameModeType]]
| 0xBC || 0x44 || int32_t[17] || maGameModeTypeAmountDiscovered || Number of events discovered, per type || See [[#BrnGameState::GameStateModuleIO::EGameModeType|EGameModeType]]
| 0x100 || 0x44 || int32_t[17] || maGameModeTypeAmountCompleted || Number of events completed for the current license, per type || See [[#BrnGameState::GameStateModuleIO::EGameModeType|EGameModeType]]
| 0x144 || 0x44 || int32_t[17] || maGameModeTypeAmountCompletedSinceTheStart || Total number of events completed, per type || See [[#BrnGameState::GameStateModuleIO::EGameModeType|EGameModeType]]
| 0x188 || 0x4 || int32_t || miTotalTakedownCount || Number of takedowns performed ||
| 0x18C || 0x4 || int32_t || miTotalOnlineVerticleTakedownCount || Number of vertical takedowns performed ||
| 0x190 || 0x34 || int32_t[13] || maiTakedownTypeCounts || Number of takedowns performed, per type || See [[#BrnGameState::ETakedownType|ETakedownType]]
| 0x1C4 || 0x28 || int32_t[10] || maiWinsPerOfflineGameMode || Number of events won, per type || See [[#BrnGameState::GameStateModuleIO::EGameModeType|EGameModeType]]
| 0x1EC || 0x28 || int32_t[10] || maiRankWinsPerOfflineGameMode || Number of events won causing a license upgrade, per type || See [[#BrnGameState::GameStateModuleIO::EGameModeType|EGameModeType]]
| 0x214 || 0x28 || int32_t[10] || maiLossesPerOfflineGameMode || Number of events lost, per type ||
| 0x23C || 0x4 || int32_t || miCompletedBarrelRolls || Barrel roll record ||
| 0x240 || 0x4 || float32_t || mfCompletedAirSpinAngle || Flat spin record ||
| 0x244 || 0x4 || float32_t || mfCompletedHandbreakTurnAngle || Handbrake turn record || Not displayed in the final game
| 0x248 || 0x4 || float32_t || mfCompletedDriftDistance || Drift record ||
| 0x24C || 0x4 || float32_t || mfOncomingDistance || Oncoming record ||
| 0x250 || 0x4 || float32_t || mfAirMaximum || Air time record ||
| 0x254 || 0x4 || int32_t || miHighestShowTimeScore || Showtime record ||
| 0x258 || 0x4 || int32_t || miBestStuntRunScore || Stunt run record || Deprecated in game version 1.3
| 0x25C || 0x4 || int32_t || miCarCount || Number of vehicle entries ||
| 0x260 || 0x4 || int32_t || miLiveryDataCount || Number of livery entries ||
| 0x264 || 0x4 || int32_t || miRivalCount || Number of rival entries ||
| 0x268 || 0x4 || int32_t || miEventCount || Number of event entries ||
| 0x26C || 0x4 || || || Padding ||
| 0x270 || 0x3000 || [[#BrnProgression::CarData|CarData]][512] || maCars || Vehicle unlocks, colors, and damage ||
| 0x3270 || 0x3000 || [[#BrnProgression::LiveryData|LiveryData]][512] || maLiveryChoices || Selected finishes and mileage ||
| 0x6270 || 0xE00 || [[#BrnProgression::RivalData|RivalData]][64] || maRivals || Roaming rival/shutdown car info ||
| 0x7070 || 0x578 || [[#BrnProgression::ProfileEvent|ProfileEvent]][175] || maEvents || Event completion states ||
| 0x75E8 || 0x3018 || [[CgsSet|Set]]<[[CgsID]], 512>[3] || maStuntElements || Collectible completion states || See [[#BrnGameState::EStuntType|EStuntType]]
| 0xA600 || 0x4 || uint32_t || muMedalCountFromTheStart || Total number of events won ||
| 0xA604 || 0x1 || bool || mbGoldCarsUnlocked || Tracks whether gold finishes are unlocked ||
| 0xA605 || 0x1 || bool || mbSilverCarsUnlocked || Tracks whether platinum finishes are unlocked ||
| 0xA606 || 0x2 || || || Padding ||
| 0xA608 || 0x30 || [[CgsSet|Set]]<[[CgsID]], 5> || mJunkYardsDriveThruSet || Discovered Junkyards ||
| 0xA638 || 0x60 || [[CgsSet|Set]]<[[CgsID]], 11> || mBodyShopsDriveThruSet || Discovered Auto Repairs ||
| 0xA698 || 0x30 || [[CgsSet|Set]]<[[CgsID]], 5> || mPaintShopsDriveThruSet || Discovered Paint Shops ||
| 0xA6C8 || 0x78 || [[CgsSet|Set]]<[[CgsID]], 14> || mGasStationsDriveThruSet || Discovered Gas Stations ||
| 0xA740 || 0x60 || [[CgsSet|Set]]<[[CgsID]], 11> || mCarParksDriveThruSet || Discovered Car Parks ||
| 0xA7A0 || 0x3E88 || [[CgsArray|Array]]<[[CgsID]], 2000> || maFreeBurnChallengeData || Completed Freeburn and Timed Challenges ||
| 0xE628 || 0x9280 || [[#BrnProgression::Profile::HitPropsBitArray|HitPropsBitArray]] || mabHitPropBitArray || Smashed billboards and individual gate sections || 500 TRK units, 600 prop hit indicators (bits) each. Not all TRKs are used
| 0x178A8 || 0x1E || int16_t[3][5] || maaiStuntCountsByCounty || Collectible progression, per-county || See [[#BrnGameState::EStuntType|EStuntType]] and [[Paradise City/Counties|counties]]
| 0x178C6 || 0x2 || || || Padding ||
| 0x178C8 || 0x1000 || [[#BrnStreetData::ChallengeHighScoreEntry|ChallengeHighScoreEntry]][64] || maNetworkChallengeData || Online mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and player names ||
| 0x188C8 || 0xA00 || [[#BrnStreetData::ChallengePlayerScoreEntry|ChallengePlayerScoreEntry]][64] || maChallengeData || Player mainland car Time/Showtime Road Rule scores and vehicles ||
| 0x192C8 || 0x4 || uint32_t || muLastRoadRulesResetTime || ||
| 0x192CC || 0x1C || [[#CgsNetwork::NetworkTexture|NetworkTexture]] || mPlayerLicencePicture || License picture header ||
| 0x192E8 || 0x2580 || char[9600] || macPlayerLicenceTextureData || License picture data ||
| 0x1B868 || 0x1 || bool || mbPlayerLicencePictureIsValid || Tracks whether the license picture is present ||
| 0x1B869 || 0x3 || || || Padding ||
| 0x1B86C || 0x12D4 || [[CgsArray|Array]]<[[#BrnProgression::MugshotInfo|MugshotInfo]], 20>[5] || maaMugshotInfo || Information on saved mugshots ||
| 0x1CB40 || 0x28 || [[CgsBitArray|BitArray<20>]][5] || maAvailableMugshotFileIDs || Tracks what mugshot slots are used ||
| 0x1CB68 || 0xC || float32_t[3] || mafCarTypes || || Unused in the final game
| 0x1CB74 || 0x4 || [[#BrnResource::ECarType|ECarType]] || meCurrentCarType || Boost type of the current vehicle || See [[#BrnResource::ECarType|ECarType]]
| 0x1CB78 || 0x20 || [[CgsBitArray|BitArray<256>]] || maHasPlayerSeenTraining || Tracks the tips DJ Atomika has used ||
| 0x1CB98 || 0x4 || int32_t || miNumOnlineRacesDone || Number of online races completed ||
| 0x1CB9C || 0x4 || int32_t || miNumOnlineRacesWon || Number of online races won ||
| 0x1CBA0 || 0x4 || int32_t || miNumMugshotsSent || Number of mugshots sent by the player ||
| 0x1CBA4 || 0xC || [[#CgsSystem::DateAndTime|DateAndTime]] || mDateLicenceIssued || Date the player's license was created ||
| 0x1CBB0 || 0xC || [[#CgsSystem::DateAndTime|DateAndTime]] || mDate100PercentCompleted || Date the player achieved 100% completion ||
| 0x1CBBC || 0x4 || int32_t || miHighestNumberOfTakeDownsInRoadRage || Road Rage record ||
| 0x1CBC0 || 0x8 || [[CgsBitArray|BitArray<35>]] || mSeenTrophyAwardBitArray || Tracks which of the primary 35 vehicles unlocks have been shown ||
| 0x1CBC8 || 0x8 || [[CgsBitArray|BitArray<60>]] || mAchievementsEarnt || Tracks which Paradise Awards have been earned ||
| 0x1CBD0 || 0x1 || bool || mb100PercentCompletionSequenceShown || Tracks whether the 100% completion animation has been shown ||
| 0x1CBD1 || 0x1 || bool || mbIsNewProfile || Tracks whether the profile is new || Intro will be shown if true
| 0x1CBD2 || 0x1 || bool || mbCreditsSequenceViewed || Tracks whether the credits have been shown ||
| 0x1CBD3 || 0x1 || bool || mbOneHundredHudMessageViewed || Tracks whether the 100% completion message has been shown ||
| 0x1CBD4 || 0x1 || bool || mbHasUnlockedCredits || Tracks whether credits are available for viewing ||
| 0x1CBD5 || 0x1 || bool || mbHaveSet100PercentCompletedDate || Tracks whether the 100% completion date is present ||
| 0x1CBD6 || 0x1 || bool || mbHaveSeenEliteCompletionSequence || Tracks whether the Elite license animation has been shown ||
| 0x1CBD7 || 0x1 || bool || mbRedundantBool4 || || Unused in the final game
| 0x1CBD8 || 0x1 || int8_t || miPad1 || || Unused in the final game
| 0x1CBD9 || 0x1 || || || Padding ||
| 0x1CBDA || 0x2 || int16_t || miPad2 || || Unused in the final game
| 0x1CBDC || 0x4 || || || Padding ||
| 0x1CBE0 || 0x4 || uint32_t || muRoadRulesIDLowBits || ||
| 0x1CBE4 || 0x4 || || || Padding ||
| 0x1CBE8 || 0x8 || [[CgsBitArray|BitArray<6>]] || mSeenCompleteAllEventTypeArray || Tracks which event types have had all events completed ||
| 0x1CBF0 || 0x4 || float32_t || mfRealTimePlayed || Total time played || As opposed to mfInCarTimePlayed
| 0x1CBF4 || 0x4 || float32_t || mfRedundantFloat4 || || Unused in the final game
| 0x1CBF8 || 0x4 || uint32_t || muRoadRulesIDHighBits || ||
| 0x1CBFC || 0x2 || int16_t || miPad3 || || Unused in the final game
| 0x1CBFE || 0x1 || int8_t || miPad4 || || Unused in the final game
| 0x1CBFF || 0x1 || || || Padding ||
Line 761 ⟶ 962:
| 0x0 || 0x1 || bool || mbIsLocal || Defines whether the saved time is in a local time zone or UTC ||
| 0x1 || 0x7 || || || paddingPadding ||
| 0x8 || 0x8 || time_t || mSystemTime || The time value ||
Line 772 ⟶ 973:
| 0x0 || 0x1 || bool || mbIsLocal || Defines whether the saved time is in a local time zone or UTC ||
| 0x1 || 0x3 || || || paddingPadding ||
| 0x8 || 0x8 || FILETIME || mSystemTime || The time value ||