Environment Data/Burnout 3

From Burnout Wiki


Names are guessed based on debugging symbols present in Burnout Revenge's Alpha 7 prototype.


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x30 CB3EnvironmentInfo mMinimumEnvironmentInfo Minimum environment info
0x30 0x30 CB3EnvironmentInfo mMaximumEnvironmentInfo Maximum environment info
0x60 0x10 CGtRGB mSpecularColour Specular color
0x70 0x10 CGtRGB mSunColour Sun color
0x80 0x10 CGtV3d mSunPosition Sun position
0x90 0x4 RwReal mrSunCoronaRadius Sun corona radius
0x94 0x4 RwBool mbSunIsMoon Specifies whether the sky object is a sun or moon
0x98 0x4 CGtTexture* mpGradientTexture Gradient texture
0x9C 0x4 CGtTexture* mpCloudTexture Cloud texture
0xA0 0x4 CGtTexture* mpCloudEnvMapTexture Cloud environment map texture
0xA4 0x4 CGtTexture* mpSunMoonTexture Sun/moon texture
0xA8 0x4 RwUInt32 muVersionNumber Version number 2
0xAC 0x4 RwUInt32 ? Total file size This field is unused from Revenge and onward


Offset Length Type Name Description Comments
0x0 0x10 CGtRGB mFogColour Fog color
0x10 0x4 RwReal mrFogDistance Fog distance
0x14 0x4 RwReal mrWorldFogIntensity World fog intensity
0x18 0x4 RwReal mrSkyFogIntensity Sky fog intensity
0x1C 0x4 RwReal mrSpecularIntensity Specular lighting intensity
0x20 0x4 RwReal mrSunCoronaIntensity Sun corona intensity
0x24 0x4 RwReal mrPrecipitation Precipitation
0x28 0x4 RwReal mrStarIntensity Star intensity
0x2C 0x4 RwReal mrOverallBrightness Overall brightness