Data types not specific to the Burnout games, or


Offset Name Type
0x00 Red additive float
0x04 Green additive float
0x08 Blue additive float


Offset Name Type
0x00 Right Vector3
0x10 Up Vector3
0x20 At Vector3
0x30 Position Vector3


Textures on the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable Burnout games are of type CGtTexture and stored as uncompressed bitmaps, with CLUT4 (16-color) and CLUT8 (256-color) palettes.


Offset Name Type Value Notes
0x00 Raster graphic RwRaster
0x00 Parent raster offset RwRaster*
0x04 Pixels offset word* Pointer to raster's bitmap
0x08 Palette offset word* Pointer to raster's color palette
0x0C Bitmap width int32
0x10 Bitmap height int32
0x14 Bitmap depth int32
0x18 Stride int32


The version used on Burnout PSP uses a different header and swizzling method.

Offset Name Type Value Notes
0x08 Palette pointer word*
0x0C Bitmap width int32
0x10 Bitmap height int32
0x38 Pixels pointer word*
0x84 Pixel mode int32 0x04 = CLUT4, 0x05 = CLUT8
0x8C Texture name char[20]
0xB0 Palette count int8
0xB1 Palette index int8
0xB2 Texture level count int8
0x104 Is swizzled? bool


Offset Name Type
0x00 Data RwV3d


Offset Name Type
0x00 X float
0x04 Y float
0x08 Z float
0x0C Padding word


Offset Name Type
0x00 Supremum value RwV3d
0x10 Infimum value RwV3d