Burnout 5 (2007-02-22 build)

From Burnout Wiki
Revision as of 19:07, 19 January 2021 by AcuteSyntax (talk | contribs)
Title screen.

An early prototype of Burnout Paradise (then known as Burnout 5), compiled on February 22nd, 2007. It was found in a significantly damaged and initially unbootable state, due to the Xbox 360 devkit it was stored on having been used multiple times over. The build's restoration to a bootable state took nine months in total and was completed circa late 2019; however, it still has numerous unfixed issues.

Due to the fact that this build is still rather dysfunctional even after the amount of time for which it was tended to, a project to restore it build to a completely working state is currently underway. See below for all known issues the build has, as well as the major files in need of repair or restoration.

Major Issues

Inaccurate Collision

  • Caused by: Using the WORLDCOL.BIN (world collision database) of a Burnout 5 build from 2007-01-24; this WORLDCOL uses an older format to the one required by the 2007-02 build
  • Affects: Breaks world collision, Road Rules, AI behavior, player/AI respawning, roads and road types

Broken Deformation

  • Caused by: Missing/incorrectly formatted VERLET.RIG
  • Affects: Breaks vehicle body deformation, crash physics, collision during crashes

Delayed World Streaming

  • Caused by: Inefficient world streamer code; likely unfixable without heavy reverse engineering
  • Affects: Significantly delays world load-in times, causing extreme pop-up. World assets take 4-6 seconds to load when respawning or teleporting into an unloaded chunk

Broken/Disabled Progression Elements

  • Caused by: Unknown; these elements are possibly disabled by default
  • Affects: Renders it mostly impossible to progress through the game and unlock events/vehicles

Deactivated/Inaccessible Menus

  • Caused by: These menus are likely disabled via the executable
  • Affects: The Crash Nav, Junkyard wheel/livery selector, and likely more menus are inaccessible under normal circumstances

Other Missing Files

  • The files in question (wheels, textures etc.) were overwritten and made unrecoverable; see below for more information on those.

Overwritten/Modified Files


  • Accuracy: Accurate
  • Recovery: Partial; 16384 bytes overwritten; file truncated
  • Info: Repaired based on 2006-11-13 AI file
  • Comments: Expected exact or near-exact accuracy to lost data


  • Accuracy: Inaccurate
  • Recovery: Full
  • Info: Modified to remove dependency on lost vehicles by replacing them with closest counterparts
  • Comments: A better way would be to port the necessary files from another build


  • Accuracy: Highly accurate
  • Recovery: Full
  • Info: Modified to fix out of memory error while in zone 234 by decreasing number of unsafe neighbors
  • Comments: Xbox 360 devkits with 1GB RAM may be able to use the vanilla file.


  • Accuracy: Highly inaccurate
  • Recovery: Lost
  • Info: Made from scratch based on information in the executable
  • Comments: No counterpart in any known build; causes issues with deformation and game crashes


  • Accuracy: Highly inaccurate
  • Recovery: Lost
  • Info: 2007-01-24 file
  • Comments: Causes issues with roads, road rules, and likely more that's gone unnoticed


  • Accuracy: Inaccurate
  • Recovery: Lost
  • Info: Made from scratch based on 2007-02-22 TRK_UNITs, 2007-01-24 TRK_UNITs, final WORLDTEX, and a blank texture
  • Comments: Causes issues with textures


  • Accuracy: Highly accurate
  • Recovery: Full
  • Info: 2007-01-24 file
  • Comments: File exists in image without FATX entries and is identical


  • Accuracy: Accurate
  • Recovery: Full
  • Info: Modified to accommodate final WATERFRONT.SNS
  • Comments: Uses XMA instead of XAS


  • Accuracy: Inaccurate
  • Recovery: Partial
  • Info: Final file
  • Comments: XMA instead of XAS


  • Accuracy: Inaccurate
  • Recovery: Full
  • Info: Modified to remove dependency on lost vehicles by removing them from the file
  • Comments: A better way would be to port the necessary files from another build


  • Accuracy: Accurate
  • Recovery: Lost
  • Info: Ripped from traffic vehicles
  • Comments: Identical to lost wheels in-game, with minor discrepancies in the files


  • Accuracy: Inaccurate
  • Recovery: Lost
  • Info: Made from scratch based on 2006-11-13, uses ripped wheels
  • Comments: A better way would be to port the necessary files from another build