Burnout 5 (2007-02-22 build): Difference between revisions

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An early prototype of Burnout Paradise (then known as '''Burnout 5'''), compiled on '''February 22nd, 2007'''. ItSince wasthe foundXbox in360 adevkit significantlyit damagedwas andstored initiallyon unbootablehad state,been dueused toafter the Xboxbuild's 360 devkitdeletion, it was storedfound onin havinga beensignificantly useddamaged multipleand timesinitially overunbootable state. The build's restoration to a bootable state took nine months in total and was completed circain lateDecember 2019; however, it still has numerous unfixed issues.
Due to the fact that this build is still rather dysfunctional even afterdespite the amount of time for which it was tended to, a project to restore it to a completely working state is currently underway. See below for all known issues with the build has,and as well as theall major files in need of repair or restoration.
= Notable Differences =
Burnout 5 Feb 22, similar toLike the Burnout 3 demo<sup>which isdemo?</sup>, largelythis consideredbuild theis a gateway offrom one development era to another. It stillis shinesstill Burnout 5 on the surface, but under itunderneath, a product morecloser into the imagefinal of the finalgame had already taken a lot of shape.
=== Drastically Different Lighting ===
InLighting Februaryseems 22,to lighting looksbe in a rather completedcomplete state, withbut has very different bloom and lighting effects beingthan presented than the final product. A full timecycletime cycle is present, withthough different times of day although night-timenighttime hours are likelyeither not set up properly asor it'snot stillyet lightdeveloped. WhetherThis thislighting is intentional or not isseen unknown.in Lightingany that shares this same look was not seenbuilds beyond April 2007.
=== Drastically Different UI ===
TheUnlike UIearlier inand Februarylater 22 is to no surpriseversions, very different to that of the final game. ItUI carries its own distinct look unlike earlier and later versions, and has some unique features not used in the final game, including the GPS breaking up when the player is hit. It carriesuses a large lotsamount of blue, red, and white.
=== More Detailed Crash Nav ===
TheWhen Crashaccessed, Navthe whenCrash accessed,Nav is able to process and showdisplay more information than that of the final game's would. Each district of the map is highlighted; and thea filter canexists bethat adjustedcan todisplay show thingsitems such as breakables theobtained, playerhidden hasalloys gotten(rims), or other unlocks like the gutted wheels and crash blackspots.; and Hoveringhovering over an AI driver wouldprovides provide sometheir details about them, including their carvehicle and location.
=== Early Vehicle Designs ===
While some vehicles are rather closesimilar to their final designs, a bunch stillothers are visibly dated infrom terms ofa development standpoint. Various cars feature early liveries that are not anything like what they received in the final product, and some other vehicles still have designs that stand firm around November 2006, shortly into development. Vehicles in this erabuild comeare insplit into 3 pieces, but it's is unknown if they were intentionally ableintended to break as such yet at this point in development.
=== Different Traffic Spawns ===
Traffic in this build has a different spawn pool per region than what is regular toin the final game. Semis and larger vehicles are present themselves in this build, and withthrough debugcertain toolsoptions in both the internaldebug and artist versionsmenu, the player can force any vehicle of choice into the spawn pool.
=== Earlier Map Design ===
The map seen here is closer to final, howeverbut is still marginally different in a lot ofsome areas. The extended '''Motor City''' waterfrontWaterfront still features the massivean oval track, but with an updated in model sincecompared to earlier builds. In this time a lotMuch of the map, especially the eastern half, still looks far more industrial andthan featuringthe afinal lotgame and features less points where the player wasis cut off. The entire railway can be riddendriven withouton, with no blockades andpresent. theThe country club driveway is not gated off. The Lawrence tunnel near the amphitheater isdoes not hereexist this early onyet, so the playplayer must access the countryside by means of the highway or the roads farto the north and south. The various shopsdrivethrus were now split into multiple parts, with paint shops fixingchanging the playersplayer's paint, body shops repairing the player's mechanical damages, and part shops are also included allowing the player to equip any car with traffic checking for the ones that do not have it by standard.
=== Scrapped Progression ===
In this build, the game is presented with lots of singleplayer progression that is unlike anything the retail game had seen. On top of extended progression with more collectablescollectibles present, including hidden wheelsalloys and '''Speed Traps'''., Thethe player would rather unlock licenses by completing '''Moving Violations''', anda on topform of progressingper-vehicle throughprogression licenses,in eachwhich carthe hadplayer itswould ownhave formto of progression withcomplete a series of violations for the player to complete in it. In a similar fashion to the shutdown system, drivers would appear periodically appear throughout Paradise City and the player would have to beat up a certain rival through events until they are afraid of the player, ofat which theypoint the player initiateinitiates a pursuit to obtain their car. MostVery of thislittle progression wasin canned,this only remaining a very basic shell of whatbuild is present in thisthe buildfinal game.
=== ScrappedGame Modes ===
This early on, classic style crash mode was still present in the form of '''Blackspots''', although none are present on the map which is a possible side effect of having to use pieces from other builds. Pursuit mode wasis entirelyalso guttedpresent in favorthis of just taking out racers in '''Freeburn''',build and thecan racesbe systemstarted seenby inshunting thisa buildrival was alsowhile scrappedholding eventuallyRB. The player is able to spin their tires anywhere, and startstarting a race to anya random landmark, with other drivers progressively joining in the race as it goes alongcontinues. Road rageRage was started by beating up the AI drivers, but could not be started if the player's car has withstood too much damage without going to a repair shop.
=== More Detailed Damage ===
Although itIt is currently unknown what the damage model of February 22 is supposed to look like, but it is known that crashes have more particle effects, including the vehicle being able to burst into flames when wrecked,. andIt that mostis likely that every part was going to be able to detach from the car, whichan wasaspect laterwhich changeddid innot themake game'sit developmentinto forthe reasonsfinal unknowngame.
= Major Issues =
=== Inaccurate Collision ===
* '''Caused by''': Using the <code>WORLDCOL.BIN</code> (world collision database) of a Burnout 5 build from 2007-01-24; this WORLDCOL uses an older format to the one required by the 2007-02-22 build
* '''Affects''': Breaks world collision, Road Rules, AI behavior, player/AI respawning, roads and road types
=== Broken Deformation ===
* '''Caused by''': Missing/incorrectlyIncorrectly formatted <code>VERLET.RIG</code>
* '''Affects''': Breaks vehicle body deformation, crash physics, collision during crashes
=== Delayed World Streaming ===
* '''Caused by''': Inefficient world streamer code; likely unfixable without heavy reverse engineering
* '''Affects''': Significantly delays world load-in times, causing extreme pop-upin. World assets take 4-6 seconds to load when respawning or teleporting into an unloaded chunk
=== Broken/Disabled Progression Elements ===
Line 75 ⟶ 74:
| AI.DAT || Partial || Accurate || Repaired based on 2006-11-13 AI file || Exact or near-exact accuracy to lost data
| B5TRAFFIC.BNDL || Full || Inaccurate || Replaced references to lost vehicles || TODO: Port lost vehicles from other builds
| PVS.BNDL || Full || Highly accurate || Decreased num unsafe neighbors in certain zones || Fixes out of memory error
Line 81 ⟶ 80:
| VERLET.RIG || Lost || Highly inaccurate || Made from scratch based on executable data || Causes deformation and wrecking issues
| WORLDCOL.BIN || Lost || Highly inaccurate || 2007-01-24 file || Causes road, Road Rule, and likely AI, and respawn issues
| WORLDTEX.BIN || Lost || Inaccurate || Made from scratch based on various builds/assets || Causes texture issues
Line 97 ⟶ 96:
| VEHICLES/VEHICLELIST.BUNDLE || Full || Inaccurate || Removed lost vehicles || TODO: Port lost vehicles from other builds
| WHEELS/WHE_*_GR.BNDL || Lost || N/A || Ripped from traffic vehicles || Lost: All wheels<br>Traffic wheels identical to would-be assets<br>TODO: Port lost wheels from other builds
| WHEELS/WHEELLIST.BUNDLE || Lost || Highly inaccurate || Certain traffic wheels only || TODO: Port lost wheels from other builds