Burnout 3 (2004-04-28 demo)

Revision as of 15:56, 20 January 2021 by Houndeye07 (talk | contribs)
Burnout 3 (2004-04-28 demo)
Build Info
Platform: PlayStation 2
Compilation date: April 28th, 2004
Also known as: "April Build"
Released publically: Yes

This promotional demo for Burnout 3: Takedown (then known as simply Burnout 3) was compiled on April 28th, 2004, exactly three months before the game's final retail version. Its executable was recently patched to activate a functional menu system, revealing lots of normally hidden content and a considerable amount of differences.

Notable Differences

Known Issues

 Issues marked with * are only presented in the modded demo featuring functional menu systems.
  • The AI will not act as they are meant to, being far less aggressive than they should be. (This is only fixed in Championship Mode and Split-Screen)
  • Replays do not work for single-player modes and will typically send the player back to the main menu shortly after finishing.
  • Running out of time or being totaled in a Road Rage event will soft-lock the game.*
  • Road Rage is unable to pool in other cars of the same class for reasons unknown, and will repurpose the same vehicles similar to retail.*
  • Race events will only consist of the player car for a likely similar instance to Road Rage.*
  • Crash Mode must first be completed through the dedicated menu before being able to play in Single Event.*
  • Reverse tracks in Single Event will respawn you facing the wrong way, Race and Championship Mode are the only exceptions to this.*
  • The option to enable vibration for the controller does not do anything.*
  • Due to the lack of tracks, a sizeable portion of the game is inaccessible and much is still unseen.*
  • Selecting events from the dedicated Crash Nav does not work.*
  • Championship mode featuring Race events is not accessible without means of replacing another menu.*